I'm super interested in this. My idea for a character is a hunter who bravely travels outside the protections that the small budding nations offer, and single handedly hunts the barbarians, sometimes slaying them an entire group at a time. He's one of, if not the, best sniper in the land. He absolutely refuses to take on apprentices, despite the fact that many people as have asked, mainly due to the fact that a lot of his skill is aided by magic. It is my idea that he was somehow corrupted by magic, giving him enhanced eyesight and that thing they have in stealth games where you can lock on to targets and they'll have a glowing outline that you can see through walls and such, only he can't turn his on or off, the people around him just have a glowing, golden, outline. These magical abilities also warped his eyes, changing them from his original blue, to glowing gold. A lot of the times, he'll walk around with his eyes closed, relying on his other sense to guide him, especially when he's in civilization, because all the glowing people gives him headaches. There's a lot more to him than that of course, but that's the idea I have so far. [@Arborescence] I'd be willing to tie my character to yours if you'd like. It might work out pretty well considering they're both a bit messed up by magic. My character more physically, yours more mentally. They could develop a sort of kinship through that.