[hr][hr] [center][h3][b][color=gold] Remmy || Somewhere in DWMA[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=gold]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Misha. [hr][hr] [/center] As Misha got comfortable in her seat across from Remmy, he noticed that she was inspecting him. What exactly was her problem? "Yeah, it is, do I know you from somewhere?" Oh. That makes sense. She was trying to figure out exactly how he knew her name. Their teacher had referred to him as "Hayes" but he could probably write it off as a mistake on the classroom roster. Yeah, he'd try that and see where it would go. "Well, interestingly enough, I think you and I are supposed to be partners," he said, glancing over to her WEAPON sticker, "Unless there's more than one Misha Bonham at this school." [hr][hr] [center][h3][b][color=thistle] Natalia || Somewhere in DWMA[/color][/b][/h3] [b][color=thistle]Interacting with:[/color][/b] Leo && Evie. [hr][hr] [/center] As Evie ran off towards the food like an energetic child, Natalia took the chance to look around at the other individuals in the room. She briefly wondered what other weapons and meisters would be found here. [i]What other competition.[/i] Not wanting to continue to stare like some sort of socially awkward outcast, she decided to follow Leo between the tables looking at the food. Though she had a rather luxurious breakfast, the food did and smell rather good. Maybe she'd get something to eat. While she was pondering this, Leo had asked her if she wanted something as if he had read her mind. "Those cookies look rather good. Or maybe the brownies. Not sure if I should be having so many sweets so early in the morning, though," a somewhat genuine smile, "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt. After all, it is a party, right?"