[center][color=92278f][h3]JAREK ANTHONY WILHELM[/h3][/color] [img]https://49.media.tumblr.com/3be05be14fc7462cb8817c4424019e56/tumblr_na8t5qIVCG1thuz7ho1_500.gif[/img] [url=http://tokyofashion.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/Chamii-Harajuku-2012-11-17-DSC8193.jpg]CURRENTLY WEARING[/url][/center] [hr][hr] watching jar lean back, disconcerted by his rather confusing gesture, jay laughed sharply and stuck his elbow towards the other boy as if to calm him down. he always accused jarvis of being [color=92278f][i]so straight it hurts[/i],[/color] and that belief was only amplified whenever his lusting attitude was brushed off this quickly. thankfully, jarvis moved on rather swiftly (even if the redness that had risen to his cheeks wasn't so ready to leave), and jay smiled at his smart retort, turning his head to examine the scar in question. yep, still set on his elbow, and didn't seem to have healed correctly. must be jarvis's shitty nutrition that was responsible. these weren't the only things they got up to that were dangerous - in fact, jarvis seemed to be honey for flies when it came to bullies, and jarek was the swatter in the same metaphorical sense. mean words could only go so far when jay was around; he couldn't count how many times he was suspended or placed in detention throughout school because he was beating down those damned bullies. they had a myriad of things to make fun of about jar, but also plenty of weak spots for jarek to take advantage of when fighting. in that case, he was usually the winner, despite being such a scrawny little kid. jarek's jaw dropped briefly while he listened to jamie prattle on - though it was hard not to laugh at his made-up unit of measurement: "lizzy and ada size." he supposed it was a perfectly suitable way to size something up. that hint of amusement gradually faded as the young man went on some objectifying tangent about girls. [i]"...you get to hit on both genders, you lucky bitch." [/i]jarek half-rolled his eyes and snorted, moving his gaze to the wall and throwing the cookie he'd now crumbled completely in his hands back onto the tray. not only was he being entirely heteronormative, now he was a guy using the word 'bitch.' jay raised an eyebrow at james, considered scolding him, then decided against it. he didn't exactly have the authority when it came to things like this. he did, however, have a fairly snide comment to make. [color=92278f][b]"you [i]could[/i] try men, wolfe,"[/b][/color] he offered, one corner of his mouth raising slightly. maybe he was being a bit too heavy; as the only openly non-heterosexual male presence, though, he had to try and convert. the subject still shifted. seeing as theo didn't outright deny their coming, jarek was quite pleased that he'd earned them a ride. he wasn't perceptive enough to realise any concerns teddy might have about being a third wheel, but it's not like he would have comforted him over it anyway - actually, if he knew, jay would just worsen things by being more affectionate. in any case, he nodded pleasantly once jarvis agreed in complacency. it was true - at four years old, he was the one who basically stole that poor kid's blanket from him at day care. it was just his luck that he be sent to said kid's school a little while later (expulsion from a private school was hard to talk youself out of, even when rich). that was where they made the bucket list jarvis excitedly mentioned now, actually, including - but not limited to - the resolution they made in high school that read "trash jarek's loser ex's house." that one was around 70% jarvis's idea, come to think of it. speaking of that nerd, jarek shoved him slightly once the pun was made, then scrunched up his nose in an amused little sneer. despite his disapproval for the unwarranted comment, jarek laughed with cass, mentally slapping himself for it at the same time. he'd only just agreed with liz on the fact that they'd better cool down on the rudeness, and now he was straight-up chuckling at the idea of philip and her fucking - just as quickly as the laugh came, jay shut himself up, placing a hand cradled in the other over his mouth. at ariel's defense, he immediately nodded, trying to make himself look a bit less guilty and removing his hand. the inquiry was a poor choice to make, though; jarek himself knew of the rumours about him and jar, and gladly fed them fuel (much to jarvis's dismay). ada appeared to be moving on with the conversation, but jarek was more interested in moving on physically, following theo's lead towards the door and making sure to do so in reverse steps so he could watch what was going on. no way was he going to miss the interesting conversation that followed rowley's ridiculous accusation. for sure, lizzy replied with a very hasty no, refuting the remark with somewhat nervously crafted defenses of her own. the offer of money from phil, though, was particularly clever. jarek couldn't resist smiling and wondered if that offer would even hold up - if they took on the bet, that is. not like it was very hard to just tape jamie's and cass's mouths shut, or stick some jolly ranchers between their teeth to stop their jaws. whichever. he likely wouldn't have noticed alex if he didn't have hyper awareness developed to the point of "hairs on the back of your neck" reflexes, but eyes were definitely on him. he usually liked that sensation, but from one person at a time, it felt strange. he didn't bother looking at the blond, figuring that'd only out him for noticing the attention given to him, but quickly glanced over once it seemed alex had moved on. he smiled absently at the little speech the eldest group member gave, agreeing nonverbally with that last comment (however entertaining it might be), and found himself appreciating all the input. alex never seemed to be one to talk very much, so this was an accomplishment. [color=92278f][b]"fifty bucks, hear that? make it one-fifty - i'm pretty excited to see how well you can hold your tongue."[/b][/color] and he had money to spare, anyway. jarek was holding the door open at this point, trying to usher the group out since it was getting old standing around.