[img]http://www.imfdb.org/images/thumb/f/fd/AlmostHumanS01E03Taurus-2.jpg/400px-AlmostHumanS01E03Taurus-2.jpg[/img] [b]Name (True name) :[/b] Unknown, known only to myth as Wanderer [b]Alias (Human name) :[/b] Bigby Thorne Gender: Male Weapon of Choice: [b]Abilities : [/b] Bigby's true abilities, like his name and past are unknown. If there are any outside of his immortality they are locked away from his access. Bigby lives in three hundred year cycles, with only the focus to discover his lost past. He wonders the Earth under his curse searching for his love, the one person that could break the curse. Yet like clock work, his memory progressively comes back over the three hundred years, until he remembers that one horrifying truth as to the purpose of his curse, before he is killed and reborn somewhere else in the world, with no memories other than that one urge to search for [i]her.[/i] [b]Hindrances : [/b]Though generations of skills and experience are one of the few things Bigby retains through out his many lives, he is unfortunately mortal. Many of his lives have ended long before the three hundred year mark. Personality: [b]History:[/b] Bigby has no memory of who or what he is. He is not even sure if he had a existence outside of his constant wandering of the Earth for a person that may not even exist. His real name was long ago forgotten to history, and myth only acknowledges him in vague passing as a wanderer. The first thing he ever remembers is waking up in a strange city, with the knowledge that this was his punishment for some crime. To have a longing for someone dear to him, who can end his torment. But with no memories, and he can do is search in hopes that his memory returns before his three hundred years is up. The last time Bigby woke up was in the 1700s. For nearly three centuries Bigby has search, participating in every major war. And as his final year in this current life comes to a close his desperation has began to increase. A desperation that will soon pull him into one final war, that could ultimately decide his fate.