[quote=@DeadBeatWalking] [sub]it begins[/sub] [/quote] [img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/tdspoilers/images/f/f3/IT_BEGINS_-_Barney/revision/latest?cb=20140618235752[/img] [quote=@Arborescence] I'm definitely interested! The return of magic is a plot element I'd particularly like to engage with. I envision a desert mystic type. He was born to a group of people displaced in the Years of Dusk and pushed to the margins. Nomads in some broken part of the world, scavenging to survive. As the flow of magic back into the world turned from a trickle into a torrent, he exhibited prodigious sorcerous talents. Uncontrollable talents. Talents that manifested in disturbing and dangerous ways. He ran out into the desert late one night, and has spent much of the last two years in a fevered, dream-like state, barely conscious, living like an animal in the vast empty dunes under the desert sky, leaving a trail of strangeness in his wake: sand melted into hills of hieroglyphic-etched glass, boulders carved into perfect spheres, ravines shaped so that the wind blowing through whistles in ringing chords. It was a hell of a bad trip. But! I don't really want to play a loner. It would be nice to tie his coming to civilization/lucidity to another character -- whether rescued by them, captured by them, nursed back to health, adopted as a student, etc. His goals largely center around learning more about magic, controlling himself, but also feeding his almost compulsive need to act as a conduit for the raw force of magic flowing back into the world. And fending off the madness (risk of possession?) that acting in that way puts him at risk of. Anyways, that's a first stab at something. Let me know if you have any comments or suggestions, Mr. GM. I'm not super wedded to this, so if it doesn't seem quite right thematically I can try a different concept out on you. [/quote] That works pretty much perfectly. Obviously we can work out the specifics once more setting information is available in the OOC, but I can help with details on a case-by-case basis. [quote=@AirBender] I'm super interested in this. My idea for a character is a hunter who bravely travels outside the protections that the small budding nations offer, and single handedly hunts the barbarians, sometimes slaying them an entire group at a time. He's one of, if not the, best sniper in the land. He absolutely refuses to take on apprentices, despite the fact that many people as have asked, mainly due to the fact that a lot of his skill is aided by magic. It is my idea that he was somehow corrupted by magic, giving him enhanced eyesight and that thing they have in stealth games where you can lock on to targets and they'll have a glowing outline that you can see through walls and such, only he can't turn his on or off, the people around him just have a glowing, golden, outline. These magical abilities also warped his eyes, changing them from his original blue, to glowing gold. A lot of the times, he'll walk around with his eyes closed, relying on his other sense to guide him, especially when he's in civilization, because all the glowing people gives him headaches. There's a lot more to him than that of course, but that's the idea I have so far. [@Arborescence] I'd be willing to tie my character to yours if you'd like. It might work out pretty well considering they're both a bit messed up by magic. My character more physically, yours more mentally. They could develop a sort of kinship through that. [/quote] A hunter archetype could certainly work. We had a similar character in the first incarnation of the game, though her specialty was hunting mutants. Just for the time being, I wouldn't concern myself with loading your characters with overtly magical effects. Your character can be the greatest hunter just because he's that skilled, not because he uses magic. Kind of understand what I'm getting at? [quote=@vietmyke] I am interested, I'm currently toying the idea with a traveling magical scholar/swordsman. The basic idea is a man who spends much of his time traveling in order to both learn and teach. He'd be relatively well known throughout the realms for not only his wisdom, but skill with a blade. As a teacher, he'd likely have a pupil or two following him around to aid him in mundane tasks, and while many have approached him in order to learn swordsmanship, he almost always refuses. Capable of wielding potent light magic in one hand, and a magical blade in the other, he'd be a strong though humble and calm in demeanor. I'm currently debating the type of magic he'll wield, either offenive magic or healing magic- making him either a destructive force, or a defensive guardian. [/quote] I think a traveling swordsman would be sufficient. Not every character needs to be magical; indeed, magic is a rare and dangerous thing. [quote=@Shorticus] Having given it thought, I'll happily play a ruler or leader of some kind, since it seems like that's what we're missing. [/quote] Sure thing, feel free to bounce whatever ideas you need to off of me. [quote=@Drifting Pollen] I'd be down for this. If possible, I'd like to play a diplomat or negotiator. Not much of a fighter, but someone who wields influence and wealth, forming pacts and agreements to shape things in her favor while offering indirect aid to sides and individuals who might further her aims. I'd imagine she'd be the leader of some sort of merchant's guild, and with alchemy dying out would be seeking to preserve and monopolize the remaining knowledge of the art. [/quote] Whoops, didn't see you there. The site is hot garbage today. Sure, that sounds fine.