[center] [img]http://img09.deviantart.net/fc40/i/2014/363/d/3/hyperion_yj_style_redesign_edited_by_kingleonuniverse-d6jd4f2.png[/img] [color=fff200][h1] HYPERION [/h1][/color] [/center] [b]NAME:[/b] [i] Zhib-Ran[/i] [b]MORAL ALIGNMENT:[/b] [i]Villain[/i] [b]AFFILIATION:[/b] [i]SHIELD, Avengers, formerly the planet Tok and eventually the Squadron Sinister[/i] [b]ORIGIN:[/b] [hider= History] Zhib-Ran was born on the planet Tok in the capital city of Laav-Ran. He was a prince in the royal family, destined to rule Tok from the throne of his father, Ter-Ran, and his mother, Reas-Ran. Tok was widely known as a hub of crime and villainy throughout the galaxy; indeed, the royal family profited greatly from pirates and the black market. Zhib-Ran was raised from a young age to appreciate the system set up on Tok by the Ran family. His father, the king, made sure that his son understood that allowing crime (to a degree) was to the benefit of the family; and by extension, the entire planet. Zhib-Ran quickly learned that to cross his parents was to commit suicide. Only those truly loyal to the crown prospered under their tyrannical and hard regime. Anarchy reigned among the poor and destitute. The king and queen had no time for the weak, and cast them aside as lambs to the slaughter. After all, they weren't a threat. The royal family possessed powers beyond any of the citizens' imaginations. They could move entire worlds with their bare hands. They could hear a pen drop on the other side of Tok. They could level entire cities with a mere glance. What were these people but insects to them? These people might have been insects, but they were angry insects. When Ter-Ran and his wife Reas-Ran came to power, those same insects became angry. The royal family had shaken the bee hive. They'd unleashed a monster they could never predicate, and never understand. Hyperion was privately tutored by his grand parents until he became an adult. They drilled within the boy the same ideals that their children had: tyranny, greed, power. Zhib-Ran learned how to fight from General Cog-Yuung, from the neighboring city of Laav-Yuung. General Cog, like the rest of the nobility, possessed powers similar to the royal family; yet they were distinctly weaker. The royal family had decided that all newborn nobles would have their solar absorption powers weakened, so that, in turn, the nobles would never be able to singlehandedly overthrow the king. The same greed that corrupted the crown soon corrupted the nobility. Men like General Cog-Yuung looked to the populace and saw that unrest was growing. Such crimes as murder, rape and genocide were a common occurrence in all cities sans the capital. These crimes happened in the very streets; the police did nothing but grow fat on the money given to them by their king and queen. Something had to change. So one man brought about that change. His name was Lex-Vani. A bonafide genius, born amid the scum of Tok who was able to drag himself up out of the filth and into the nobility. He became rich. Famous. Trusted. No one expected that on young Zhib's eighteenth birthday that Lex-Vani would kill both Reas-Ran and her husband, Ter. Lex had strapped a powerful bomb filled with a very specific type of radiation to the bottom of the queen and king's bed, and at the peak of night detonated the weapon. He struck the crime bosses in their sleep, while they were at their weakest. Lex had attempted to do the same to their son, however the boy had not been home. Rather, Zhib-Ran had been rescued early that morning by General Cog. Cog wanted to make Zhib his adopted son, and turn Zhib into a weapon. Hyperion saw through the general's lies. The two fought until the break of dawn the next day, and Zhib was able to use that extra bit of sun light to burn a hole into the general's very brain. With General Cog dead, Hyperion set out to subdue the riots that were occurring all across planet Tok. He travelled across the entire planet, cleansing entire cities worth of rioters with little effort. For nearly a week, Zhib-Ran made war with the rebels. Their numbers were problematic; Zhib was but a single man, and the rioters numbered more than a billion. Hyperion spent his nights next to the sun to avoid assassination attempts, and his days plowing through armies in an attempt to quell the rebellion. The war came to a head when Lex-Vani created a bomb designed to destroy the entire universe; the weapon was meant as a sort of last resort against Hyperion's rampage. A mad attempt by an even madder man to win this war. Hyperion broke into Lex's facility, and came face to face with the genius who tore apart all of Tok. Lex-Vani bore powered armor, designed for the explicit purpose of killing Zhib-Ran. Lex and Zhib fought; Hyperion's ruthlessness won him the battle. Moments before Hyperion was able to dismantle the universal bomb, Lex, in his last act of defiance, detonated the weapon. Then the universe exploded. Moments before the universe eating explosion wiped Hyperion from existence, a portal opened beneath his feet and Earth-712's Superman was dragged into our reality by Kree scientists. Hyperion allowed the Kree to examine him for nearly two years. The entire time, Zhib-Ran was studying Kree culture and technology. He learned everything he needed to know about the galaxy. He learned of Earth, of the Skrulls...And he learned of Knowhere. A paradise for crime. A place like Tok. So Hyperion escaped the Kree homeworld. He stole a translator and flew out of the atmosphere and into space, easily defeating any Kree military who tried to get in his way. Hyperion made a beeline for Knowhere, determined to rebuild his empire. For Hyperion was King. On his way to Knowhere, Hyperion came in contact with earth. He met with SHIELD and established a working relationship with them as he studied earth and its people. Zhib-Ran soon grew fond of the humans and their way of life. Eventually Hyperion promised to work with SHIELD, and eventually the Avengers, hiding his true past and purpose from them until the opportune moment presented itself. But soon, Hyperion would be reminded of why his parents hated the common people. Why they were inferior, while Hyperion was superior. [/hider] [b]POWERS:[/b] [hider= Skills and Abilities] Super Strength (Enough to match Earth's powerhouses like Thor and Hulk) Super Speed (FTL in space, many times faster than any jet while planetside) Night-Invincibility (Survived the destruction of his universe) Flight (In space and in the atmosphere) Flash-Vision (heat/laser vision) Super Senses (Can see things at the subatomic level, hear things across the planet, and has X-Ray vision) Solar Absorption (Gains powers from all forms of sunlight) Leadership (Was once a king of an entire planet) Martial Arts (Taught by the royal guard how to use his powers in a fist fight) Durable uniform (High stress clothing keep Hyperion from constantly needing new uniforms) [/hider] [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] [b]Avenger of Earth:[/b] Zhib-Ran arrives on earth and begins working with SHIELD to help them make the earth a safer place. He takes on the identity of SHIELD Agent Milton, hiding his true purpose and origin from the humans until the opportune moment arrives for his conquest of the planet. Yet, Hyperion has grown fond of humanity. He would soon remember, however, why his parents hated commoners, and turn on SHIELD and earth. [b]Conquest of Knowhere:[/b] Hyperion arrives at Knowhere, determined to conquer the city as his own and establish himself as king. He is forced to fight the Guardians of Knowhere in his attempt to control the crime hub. [b]King Hpyerion:[/b] Hyperion becomes the king of a planet/society. He rules over them with an iron fist, until someone comes around and forces him to leave. [b]Squadron Sinister:[/b] Once his other plans fail, Hyperion turns towards the rest of the galaxy once more and hunts down the most infamous criminals in the known universe and invites them to join the Squadron Sinister. [b]Sample Post:[/b] [center][img]http://im.ziffdavisinternational.com/ign_es/screenshot/s/superman-el-heroe-eterno/superman-el-heroe-eterno_w156.jpg[/img][/center] Agent Milton sat on top of a skyscraper in the middle of New York City. The locals called the structure the "Daily Bugle." Apparently it was a facility built for the express purpose of delivering biased journalism to the drooling masses of New York. Mark brought one such piece of propaganda up to where he could look at it: a newspaper, the humans called it. Covered in pictures and writing. Why did this "Bugle" continue to use such an outdated form of communication to deliver its message to the people of New York City. Even here, on the primitive planet called earth, they had more efficient means of transferring information from one location to multiple locations. A network of computers devised many years ago that allowed the public access to the 'information superhighway.' Despite the existence of this system, the Daily Bugle and a number of other outlets insisted on having their opinions transported by hand. It baffled Zhib-Ran, who's own world used a sort of 'internet' to spread news. Everyone carried a device that could be wirelessly accessed at any time by those allowed to present information to the entire planet. That was another thing this planet, and more specifically the western portion of it, lacked: censorship. Why allow men like this J. Jonah Jameson to spew lies about important public figures like the Spider-Man? The Spider-Man is a hero. He serves as an icon to the people of New York City; the denizens look up to him as their savior. Well, they should, anyway. From what Zhib-Ran had seen, not everyone appreciated the wall-crawler's presence in the big apple. That fact can be attributed to the mud slinging of Jameson more than likely. "Hmph." Hyperion puffed as he observed the front page. A picture of Spider-Man slinging through New York's skyline. [i]Odd,[/i] Zhib-Ran thought. [i]How did they manage to get a shot from this angle?[/i] The photographer must have been standing on the ledge of a massive structure to get a shot from that high up. How could he have known the Spider was swinging by at that exact moment, to take a picture without blur? How very odd. Zhib-Ran began to read the article on the front page. It was an opinion piece written by multiple authors. The article raised an interesting question: Should superheroes be allowed to work within the city without regulation by the government? [i]Of course not.[/i] Hyperion answered within his own mind.[i] You can't trust an ordinary citizen to do the work of the police.[/i] But law enforcement on earth was not equipped to deal with the threats that required the attention of superheroes. Hyperion went on to read the rest of the article on page eleven. The Daily Bugle offered a simple solution: SHIELD. They wanted people to look at SHIELD and see how well their system worked, and how it could be applied to law enforcement at large within the United States of America. Vigilantes are brought in, trained, and given badges before they're sent off to work for the city. They would get a paycheck, benefits, the whole package. What's not to love? The article failed to mention, and Hyperion failed to realize, the shortcomings of such a plan. For Zhib-Ran hadn't the time to mull over the positives and negatives, because Captain America needed his assistance. "Agent Milton." A voice suddenly spoke from Zhib's watch. Hyperion raised the device closer to his face and pressed a button on the side. "This is Milton. Go ahead." Zhib-Ran was still getting used to calling himself "Agent Mark Milton" instead of Zhib-Ran or Hyperion. Why the humans wished for his identity to remain a mystery, Zhib did not know. But he had chosen to work with SHIELD until the day when he no longer needed them. For Hyperion's plans to come into fruition, he needed SHIELD's full trust. So, for now, Hyperion would do as they told. No questions asked. "Captain America has activated his distress beacon and requested your assistance. He's currently in the Savage Lands, Antarctica- you should be able to find him without too much trouble." "Of course. I'll be right there." Hyperion switched the device off and set his newspaper down. He quickly removed his grey suit jacket and carefully folded it up, setting that down as well. Zhib removed a pair of sunglasses from his pocket and put them on before straightening his tie and jumping to his feet. A quick rolling up of his sleeves, and Hyperion was ready for work. Then he jumped. Zhib-Ran fell from the roof of the Daily Bugle towards the busy streets below. People looked up and pointed; he could hear screams and calls for help as he rapidly descended towards the asphalt. Time itself seemed to distort as Hyperion activated his powers. Everything slowed down to a crawl. Zhib glanced around with his enhanced vision at the faces of the people below. A moment later, after he had finished enjoying the fresh air, Hyperion began to fly. He suddenly shot forward at speeds approaching light, flying above the New York skyline. He was careful not to get too close to any buildings; his powers allowed him to keep air disruption to a minimum, however there was still the chance that Zhib-Ran could shatter the windows with the amount of air he was kicking behind him at the speed he was going. If Hyperion wasn't able to regulate air flow around him, he imagined flying at light speed would be equivalent to setting off a nuclear bomb in the middle of the city. Good thing that wasn't a probably for him, isn't it? It took less than a second for Hyperion to reach the research facility. However, for the extra-dimensional alien, it felt like quite a bit longer. He had to fly up into space and use his telescopic vision combined with his X-ray vision to locate Sam Wilson. Then he had to fly down to Antarctica and traverse the Savage Land without crashing. It felt like an eternity. If Zhib wasn't so experienced with his powers he would have wondered if he reached Sam in time to save him. But he was experienced, so that wasn't an issue either. Hyperion smashed through the metal and concrete that made up the facilities walls. Debris froze in mid air as Zhib took the time to examine in the situation. The room was filled with what appeared to be dinosaurs in strange glass cases. Cap was looking at one such dinosaur. The good captain appeared to have locked eyes with the creature. Hyperion turned to see a group of AIM agents approaching from another door, all of them armed with state of the art laser weaponry. They wouldn't affect Hyperion; he'd feel them, but it'd probably just tickle. Time sped back up to normal as Hyperion slowed to a stop. The AIM agents entered the room and pointed their weapons at the intruders. However, Cap didn't move. His eyes were stuck on the dinosaur. That was when Hyperion realized that the strange earth creature in the tube must have had the captain under some sort of mind control. He had to act fast. Hyperion flew forward, right at the pterodactyl. He tackled the beast out of its tube and dragged the flying monster through a nearby wall. And then another wall. And another. Once they were outside, Hyperion let go of Sauron and allowed the monster to get up. The naive "hero" believed it was just some misunderstood lizard, and believed it would fly away after that. "Go on." Hyperion urged. "Get outta here." Hopefully Cap could deal with the AIM guys on his own, because the dinosaur didn't seem very willing to leave. [b]SEASON ONE SUMMARY:[/b] Defeats Sauron and assists Sam Wilson in destroying an AIM facility Retreives Costume; Kills people Recruits Miss America Hyperion battles the Avengers in a training session