[center][h3][color=firebrick]CASS ROWLEY[/color][/h3] [hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/4bO9Qlf.gif[/img][hr] Cass' grin only continued to widen at the fallout a simple remark seemed to have. It was funny, wasn't it? What she assumed to be a simple harmless remark about two supposed friends (though Cass knew that neither Liz nor Cheese would rush to count Cass among their circle of friends) and a perfectly normal thing for two almost-adults to do when attracted to one another, turned into something close to an 'issue'. Truthfully, she didn't exactly care who was sleeping with who, hell she figured there had to have been at least one person in the room that had slept with another person in the room. Or at the very least thought about it. Though of course, based on Liz's response, Cass was acutely aware that not everyone treated the topic of sex as casually as Cass did. Cass would be the first person to blab about who among friends was sleeping with who. That was probably why no one really trusted Cass with anything resembling secretive information. [color=firebrick]"Well, Lizard, I wouldn't worry about your whole Virgin Mary situation. We make it to the west coast in one piece and Cheesy Bread over here doesn't hit it, some west coast hipster will totally slot all up in there. Red hair is a rarity out there on the coast; shit, why do you think it's only ever the same two or three red heads in movies? Seriously, though, you two lighten up about sex and it'll come naturally."[/color] Cass paused a moment, waiting for the gears in her head to hit their mark before she shot out a look that screamed how pleased she was at her unintentional pun. Her attention thusly was drawn away from CheeseLiz, like CheeseWiz but more enjoyable, towards Alex and his highly imaginative nickname for her; she had obviously never heard that one before. But she let it slide. [color=firebrick]"You know what kinda person invites someone into their truck? The kind of person that uses truck stop bathrooms as a singles bar. But hey, what's the matter, Truckstop? You got a hard-on for Red Riding Hood too? Hear that, Lizard? You've got [i]options[/i], girl. But why choose? Nothing says magical first time experience like being the line in the letter-"[/color] And before Cass could finish her utterly crude little remark, she was interrupted... [color=sienna]"Can you two please stop? All you're doing is ruining this trip, because, sure, it's a laugh or some shit for you two, but it'll just ruin this entire thing for me and Lizzy- because we are [i]not[/i] going at it like Jamie would. So show a little respect, would you? I mean, I know it might kill you too, but you always love a challenge, right? At least you do, Cass. So I challenge you to not make a single snide remark regarding Lizzy and I 'doing' each other. I'll give you fifty bucks if you can last two days. Or are you too weak-minded and with so little control that you can't manage that simple thing?"[/color] Her attention shot back to Cheese, but not before giving Wolfie a nod of agreement to the terms regarding the loser of their little wager - and hell, even if she wound up winning, that sort of thing sounded just the right shade of crazy in her eyes. Seeing, or rather hearing, Cheese lay down a bit of law like that was enough to momentarily shut up Cass, but only until he finished and one of the Jars decided to get in on the action. Suddenly Cass' words were replaced by another bit of cackling and cracking up. [color=firebrick]"Shit, why not make it a clean two hundred? Someone gonna drop another fifty to even it up? No? Pssh, whatever."[/color] At this point, Cass stood from the couch, just about ready to get the show on the road. [color=firebrick]"Just so we're clear on the terms here, Cheesy Beef, two days, as in forty nine hours,"[/color] Cass didn't even seem to know that her hour count was wrong, [color=firebrick]"And all I have to do is not make a comment about you and Lizard fucking? Just that one topic? You. And Liz. Fucking. Just that's off limits?"[/color] She let the question hang in the air just long enough for the terms to sink in. [color=firebrick]"Tell ya what, Cheese, if I don't make the two days I'll get on my knees and apologize. I probably won't MEAN it, but I'll do it. Sound fair? Good. I expect the cash in my hands in two days."[/color] The challenge was readily accepted. [color=firebrick]"One fifty will buy me a lotta numbers in Sacramento. Watch out, Wolfie, or the west coast will be seeing that pale little ass all up and down the street!"[/color] Cass made for the door. The deal was on. The terms were set. And Cass wanted that money.[/center]