Yuno sat in and listened to Felix’s explanations on manadials as well smirked slightly to herself while taking a sip of tea. Felix’s joy at times could seem a little infectious despite the fact he had dropped the bomb on the death of a possible recruit not moments ago. Setting her up down and examining the band given to her she didn’t need to focus entirely on the words Felix was stating due to her familiarity with the device. Of course her mother owned one and on more than one occasion Yuno had found herself in possession of such an object. Their use and important was rather extraordinary and the fact Felix gave them all one was very intelligent in her eyes. Constant communication when they could fall under attack at any time was good to have, and luckily they didn’t look bad either. These dark bands with the silver inlays could easily pass for jewelry in the eyes of a normal person at least. “[color=6ecff6]Thank you, Felix.[/color]” She stated once it was handed to her which quickly made its way to being attached to her wrist. “[color=6ecff6]If you are able to give information like that and teleport, I presume you will be directing us than instead of being with in in person on our hunts? Perhaps it would be best for you to be available to teleport in once conflict occurs.[/color]” It made sense to her at least, a sort of general and guide for them from home base since he was capable of it and watching their missions from a tactical perspective instead of being distracted by being there in person. A little later her question would be answered on the matter as Felix explained the mission. Raiya’s response to Felix slightly annoyed Yuno once again, and more and more she tried to discern the relationship between the two and why it seemed to be in such a state. It didn’t help that Nemo found himself interjecting with Raiya as well which Yuno could only describe him as rambling nonsense. <[color=6ecff6]Perhaps someone would simply think it was an accident, such questions hardly count as philosophy...[/color]> she told herself in her mind as she glanced across the table before returning to her manadial. Fiddling with it slightly as she once again determined to not get involved with the actions of Nemo and Raiya. It was then Felix continued on and got into the meat of the meeting: The operation itself which immediately grabbed her attention once again. Famous items of history being paragons didn’t seem to far-fetched as she had learned many things of the past were magical growing up. Lending to their significance in the eyes of non-magical history that turned them into legends which Yuno had read growing up. Inifinite magical power wasn’t just enough to have in a paragon, but to also have such specific abilities? It made her have a greater desire to hear the names of the other items and their relevance. The legend of the philosopher’s stone, tales of Excaliber's scabbard keeping one immortal, legendary Japanese blades said to cut and reform objects, the Holy Grail, and many more where the first items she even came up with before he described the first Paragon. So, this is why his base was in the woods as well it at least seems. Close to the first paragon and a good first target, but one that was harder for Yuno to simply go against. It was her school, and even if it was just a catacomb it meant breaking in. Making her clench her fist slightly under the table at the thought as she did her best to keep her face as usual. Eventually relaxing as she came to terms with the idea and the fact that likely they wouldn’t face enemies that knew who she was in the first place. Yet, what made her drop her measured facial expression for a moment was hearing that Nemo and Raiya would be in charge of such a mission. The two who hardly seemed mentally stable and cooperative would be leading them into their first goal? It took Yuno a second to look to the side and organize her thoughts on it to return her face to its neutral state. During this time Nemo likely caught a glance coming from Yuno’s bright sky blue eyes on the matter. <[color=6ecff6]It doesn’t matter…[/color]> she told herself in her mind as arguing it would hardly be appropriate. It seemed Felix knew Nemo more than a few of them here and obviously knew his sister, so it made sense for him to at least trust them more than strangers. “[color=6ecff6]I have no questions as of the moment besides if you know what the entrance to the catacombs may be like, and if you have any information regarding the catacombs themselves in terms of what we may expect to run into.[/color]” She stated as she adjusted her posture to speak the line. Keeping up the graceful act as she kept a polite tone of voice despite the inner annoyance, which wasn’t helped by Nemo’s lackluster attempt at humor.