Vol waited in silence until most of those gathered for the meeting had gone on their way. He watched everyone from under the brim of his hat, carefully analyzing what he knew of them. Most seemed perturbed by the news, concerned and edgy. When Morgue came in and made his pronouncement Vol joined them in their concern. The show went on, it always went on. That Morgue even suggested a shutdown was cause for genuine concern. That meant that the situation was far worse than Mr. Seil let on. From the rear of the meeting he watched the other’s reactions, trying to place whether they were genuine or phony. He liked to read people, this just gave him an excuse. Not that he ever really needed one. He also enjoyed looking at the others, and there were some true lookers. Vol smiled as he watched them, particularly Soren, get on their way. With half smile, a shake of his head, and some truly dirty private thoughts, he effortlessly pushed himself away from the wall. Casting about he didn’t see his wolverines anywhere, they had probably wandered off to explore the tent. He rarely restrained their natures; they were as they were who was he to try and change their nature. As he left the tent he rapped his cane three times on the ground. He heard snarls and growls at the signal and didn’t bother to look back as the odd creatures came loping towards him. The chicken head was long gone, probably eaten, and they were raring for some new excitement. They knew it was almost showtime. Vol wandered, unconcerned, through the gathering masses. The news affected him very little. He cared not about those that vanished so while he felt some concern for himself he lacked the feeling of loss of solidarity that many of the others were feeling. Instead he “window shopped” through the visitors. For those that caught his eye, not all of which were gorgeous women, he slowed his steps and stopped to talk to them. Eyes, smile, voice, all combined to make him a truly charming being. To each he gave special “front row” tickets to his act. With a smile, a whisper, and a brief touch he was one his way, whistling merrily by the time he reached the tent in which he would perform. It would be a good day. He thought of the woman he had just left, thin and worn but sweet, young, eager and delighted at his touch. She was blushing and practically quivering when he left. It was quaint and charming. She had not much in the looks department, but they were not everything. Often times the truly eager ones were the absolute best. He had to put thoughts of her aside as he prepared for his act. His usual attire, top hat, vest, tailcoat, breeches was his attire for his act as well, he simply swapped out the classic black and white for black and gold. A bit of flash, just enough to make him stand out even further--that was all he needed to be prepared. That and a free mind so that he could weave awe, fear, and delight into his voice and thus his audience. **** The tent was dark, silent, as Vol crouched above the audience. He let the darkness linger, the tension mount, as those in the audience felt their emotions shift from anticipation to question to unease. He knew, instinctively, the perfect moment. That instant just before the audience shifted from unease to boredom or disgust. At that instant a narrow spotlight fell on a small creature at the back of the tent. Bristling and snarling a wolverine stood where there was none before. [hider=for those unfamiliar] [IMG]http://i.imgur.com/K4LXdGV.jpg[/IMG][/hider] With a glare for those assembled it proceeded up the aisle in its odd loping gait until it reached the center of the tent and stood still in the center ring. The only spot of light in the tent, it was hard not to let your eyes be drawn to it. Until a second spotlight light up another of the creatures, down a different aisle. Like the first it snarled for the crowd barring its nasty incisors to the ooohhhs of the crowd. It too trotted fairly peacefully up the isle and joined the first in the center of the tent. This procedure was repeated with a third and fourth wolverine, the spotlights lighting the dark as the creatures made their way to the center. To the audience it seemed that the fifth would be the same, yet about halfway down the isle something happened. The wolverine suddenly started snarling and snapping, whirling like a dervish and snapping his teeth at those seated near the edge. Suddenly it turned and charged. Small though it was it was fearsome and it charged straight at a beautiful woman seated at the edge of the front row. She screamed obligingly, she always did for she was part of the act. In that instant the spotlight lit Vol, glittering and ominous in gold and black perched like a falcon above the crowd. With a very acrobatic leap, Ty had taught it to him, he landed between the woman and the creature. He brandished his cane at it, never touching it but always coming a hairs breadth from catching it upside the head. The wolverine hissed and snarled and bristled as Vol drove it back, back, into the center of the ring. The lights came on and the show began in earnest. They performed tricks such as jumping through flaming hoops and diving off high dives, wolverines had no natural fear of anything so this bothered them not at all. They also did simple things like synchronized twirling, catching various small objects thrown to them, and even playing the piano. When Vol was done with this he walked towards the audience halting at the edge of the center ring. He took a moment to wink at the audience, each of his chosen victims felt this wink was for them alone. Then he spoke. The audience stilled immediately, such was the power of his charming voice. “Ladies and Gentlemen. These animals, though unique and beautiful, are among the most vicious and deadly known to man. You will never see another act like this, most of you will never see another wolverine in your life. So please, I ask that you remain perfectly still as I send them among you that you can see their grace and vicious beauty up close.” Then he turned, tapped his cane on the ground, and the wolverines, docile as rabbits, began to meander through the crowd. Vol followed on their heels smiling at all as he moved gracefully as his furry counterparts among the rows of people. They returned to the center of the tent and Vol once more faced the audience. “Now that you have seen their grace, their wildness up close it’s time to show you just why they are considered among the most dangerous in the world.” The lights dimmed again, focusing only on Vol and the five wolverines in the center. Vol waved his cane and the five dispersed to the edge of the light, barely visible in the shadow line between light and dark. Vol loved using light and darkness to create mood. He spoke again, this time pitching his voice to invoke drama and awe. “Behold the King of the Jungle” he intoned “No creature in the jungle dares stand up to him. His roar sends all lesser creatures scurrying for cover” Behind him, through a back entrance, a helper led a huge tiger into the ring as well as a covered push-cart dripping blood. The tiger obligingly roared, once, twice, thrice, causing the sound to fill the tent. “Till now that is” continued Vol, drawing all eyes back to him with his compelling voice. “Ladies and Gentlemen if you are easily shocked, please turn away.” He turned and with a swift kick dumped the contents of a covered cart that had been standing nearby, unnoticed in the dark. A bloody half of cow dumped to the ground in the center of the spotlight and the tiger immediately moved to devour. Vol barely had the time to leap gracefully out of the ring before the wolverines advanced, their, snarls guttural growls giving them a purely menacing aspect. The tiger backed up but not fast enough. The fight was fast and enough to strike awe into all but the most jaded. Vol had worked hard with the other animal workers to choreograph this encounter so that neither wolverine nor tiger was harmed. The audience didn’t know this however and their calls and their shocked words caused Vol to smile. Tiger and wolverine parted ways, the wolverine to return to the carcass and the tiger to pad stately up to Vol’s side. The man rested a hand on the great beasts head, a gesture that told the cat it had done well. Vol would ensure the cat had its own feast. “As I said Ladies and Gentlemen” Vol’s voice was filled with calm and it caused the audience to relax some. That and the presence of the tiger standing unharmed next to Vol. “Even the king must bow.” With that both he and the tiger bowed deeply, amid the sounds of the wolverines ripping and crunching on their feast. The contrast was perfect…truly wild abandon in the form of the wolverines gorging themselves and silky elegance in the form of Vol and the regal tiger bowing before them. The lights went out indicating the show was over. Vol and the tiger took their leave in the darkness and a “privacy tent” descended over the wolverines who were still eating. The lights returned so that the audience could find their way out of the show and Vol stood in a pocket of shadow watching the spectators leave. He was looking for a few in particular. Now it was his turn to hunt. While the wolverines fed so to would he feed his own hunger, though his hunger was not necessarily for food. Slipping up behind a slim young man he companionably draped an arm around him, smiling disarmingly as the man started. He would find his other marks in a bit, they would all find their way to him eventually. "So" he said with a smile. "How did you enjoy the show?"