[center][color=FF7F50][h3]Elizabeth 'Lizzy' Jones[/h3][/color] [img]http://i.imgur.com/yveEvKm.gif[/img] [/center] Of course Jamie was to take part in this also. As much as they were, to an extent, friends, sometimes Jamie could be a bit of a.... ur... Lizzy attempted to think of a less bitchy word to say than asshole but couldn't really think of any in that moment. As Jamie taunted Phil and her, Lizzy watched him, making it obvious she was unimpressed. She was ready for more crap aimed at her when she mentioned her virginity, however, Jamie's reply was much gentler. He did that sometimes, soften his voice, not replying in jerkish ways when Lizzy said something that would let most people to Jamie's taunting, it was as if he was afraid to mentally hurt her for some reason and he wasn't the only one who did so. Lizzy was both the smallest and the youngest of her friends, both of those were features that often made others want to protect you or look out for you she supposed, even if you are the motherly one. Then there was Cass. She remained seated on the couch, smile on her face. She was winning, she had gotten to Liz and Phil with her comments, of course she was pleased. Lizzy knew it was stupid to let it get to her, Cass was, well, Cass, she did things like this all the time. However, it was still getting to her. Upon the mention of the 'rarity of redheads' as if they were a different breed entirely, Liz couldn't stop her hand from shooting up to her vibrant orange hair. It, quite obviously, wasn't her natural colour. Liz hated her natural hair colour, an off-blonde/brown shade Liz regarded as disgusting. It wasn't always that colour. In her early years of life she was actually a ginger-haired child, however, it faded into the colour it is now. Or would be, at least, if Liz didn't dye it consistently. When she was 13 she found some old photos from when she had ginger hair which inspired her to dye her hair orange. Her parents were quite easy on their children, particularly Lizzy in her early-developed maturity, possibly too much so. At 13 she could have gone out, gotten drunk, gotten laid and fallen pregnant yet her parents would barely bat an eyelid about it, not that such a situation was her cup-of-tea at all. So when she requested to dye her hair they had no problems with it. She blinked a couple of times to calm her wandering, reminiscent mind and focus again on the current scene before her. [color=firebrick]"But hey, what's the matter, Truckstop? You got a hard-on for Red Riding Hood too? Hear that, Lizard? You've got [i]options[/i], girl. But why choose? Nothing says magical first time experience like being the line in the letter-"[/color] At this point Lizzy wouldn't have been surprised if Cass would eventually theorize every male in the the room wanted to get lucky with the orange-haired teen. Lizzy held back a biting remark, she wasn't going to stoop to her level and instead gave a sigh, once again pinching the bridge of her nose. Before Cass could go on she was cut off. Philip, whom Lizzy almost always affectionately called Philly, once again spoke. That was the second time that day he had surprised Lizzy by how much he said in the company of others besides herself and maybe Ariel. She gives her best friend a kind smile and clearly mouthed the words [i]thank you[/i]. [color=FF7F50]"Uh... Cas, there's 48 hours in two days. Seriously, you should know that,"[/color] Lizzy points out softly, saying something for the lack of speech she took to, almost as if Phil and her swapped roles briefly. Soon enough Cass made her way to the door as Theo had not too long ago. Lizzy clapped Philly on the shoulder and gave Ariel a smile. [color=FF7F50]"We better get the cookies into containers and make way to Sacramento. Where's our first stop?"[/color]