[quote=@Dirge] I'm really itching for this to start, but in the meantime is there anything I should change in my cs? I kind of wanted to start him out pretty underpowered so that I could build him up a lot. [/quote] While I am no expert on all things acceptable, the powers looked up to snuff to me. And I don't think they're too worried about characters being underpowered, since character development is awesome and it makes sense for Eric given as I think he just got his powers a day(two?) ago. If you want reassurance, you could look over some of the others and see if they give you any ideas or the like. I'm sort of worried Andrew might be starting out over powered, but provided you have a full idea of the power you're working with, it's easy enough to scale up or down. I do suggest having another look at the OP though. Also, the picture looks like the guy has slit pupils. I'm guessing he was taking a selfie and his phone is reflecting or something, but I'm not actually sure where that effect is coming from. It just amuses me, so I had to point it out.