[quote=@AirBender] [@Dead Cruiser] I understand what you're getting at, but the magic is kind of part of the character I'm making. And what connects my character to [@Arborescence]'s. Perhaps if I toned it down/changed it I could keep it? [/quote] Hmm, my main issue with what you described is that it sounds very video game-y. Magic in this setting is more abstract and arcane; it's the power of the Gods in a completely literal sense. Perhaps if your character were, I don't know, some manner of druid or something similarly naturalistic it would be more fitting. Also, I wouldn't worry about correlating characters at this stage of the game. Sure, they could have some knowledge or previous dealings with each other, but I would build each character to be capable of standing independent of any other character. It's important that each of their legacies are their own. [quote=@Gunther] I have a character I am considering using for this Role Play. He was originally intended as an Asian Adventures character in a Rokugan themed Role Play. For our purposes in THE AGE OF DAWN, he is racially from the Jade Kingdom, but has lived in the Sand Kingdom for many years. The character was originally created as someone who uses the water elements as a Damage Dealing Healer. He also has excellent unarmed combat skills. He prefers a peaceful exchange in deference to a hostile one. I quoted Arborescence only in that he could have found his Mystic and rescued him from a Sand Tribe or whoever took him captive. As a water based Shugenja. My character also dabbles in some mental abilities or as Arborescence states, a "Mystic". Due to his affinity towards water based magic, he is eager to leave the desert. Traditionally, I am drawn to brawny barbarian warrior types; maybe with a Viking flair from Hyperborea, but I've always wanted to use this Asian character. I created an extensive spell book with detailed explanations of how to use each spell. The character I have, could rescue Arborescence's character, nurse him back to health and then take him on as a student. I rarely play youngsters. Since I am already old, I tend to lean towards the upper end of the age spectrum. EDIT: I've also considered writing for a Mutant, if that is a playable option. [/quote] I would not rely so heavily on pre-established concepts, particularly those from other games. I would be wary as well of the language and cultural barriers that may result from having such an exotic character. I won't outright veto a character from the Jade Kingdoms (a concept most new players present most likely do not yet know of), but I'm hesitant. There is a distinct focus on the Iron Kingdoms in this story, mostly because someone from outside of them would not have been particularly affected by the Years of Dusk, and for other, plot-related reasons. Also consider my above notes in regards to magic and character interaction. Seeing that we're getting quite a few magic and scholarly folks (quite the opposite of the original group, which were mostly military commanders of various types), I'd actually be more interested in a Hyperborean. Perhaps an ethnic Northman born in the Iron Kingdoms following the invasion of the Years of Dusk, but that can be discussed later. Mutants are not playable characters, as it happens. This is for plot reasons, and also because your average mutant is something like [url=http://orig09.deviantart.net/a4f8/f/2007/021/9/d/beastman_by_lordhannu.jpg]this[/url]. Anyway, if I can confirm the interest of one or two more folks, I can go ahead and throw up the ol' OOC.