[center][img]https://41.media.tumblr.com/18bd77cf1d6764dd030e80410c7f5167/tumblr_nvxztzB0Io1ubea57o1_1280.png [/img] [sub][i]★ The laws of physics can kiss my ass ★[/i][/sub] [b]Player Name:[/b] Natty [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] America Chavez [b]Alias:[/b] Ms. America [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] The Avengers[/center] [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [indent] America Chavez grew up in a mysterious place named the Utopian Parallel with her mums. The Utopian Parallel is a place that strangely exists far from all other worlds; out of time and the multiverse itself. It was created many years ago by a Godly entity known as the Demiurge, the sentient life force of Earth's biosphere who seeded the Earth with 'pieces' of its own life essence. Life didn’t stay like paradise for long. At the age of six, America watched as destruction approached her home, with a black hole appearing in the sky. Tragically, the hole was attempting to pull her home directly into the multiverse, which would potentially destroy all life on the Parallel in the process. America’s mothers, the guardians of the Utopian Parallel, heroically sacrificed their bodies and souls in order to seal the black hole. Eager to help her mothers, America flew towards the hole not knowing what her parents were doing. This resulted in her being sucked through, with America finding herself alive and well in the multiverse. Due to her mothers’ particles being smeared across the entire Multiverse as a result of them sealing the black holes, America found that she could now physically kick open her own doorways through reality, allowing her to travel the multiverse at her will. Deciding to make her parents proud and to honour their sacrifice, she trained and explored, eventually adopting the moniker ‘Ms. America’, and began fighting crime and against any threats that she came across. Eventually, Ms. America became a member of the Teen Brigade, a team of teenager superheroes led by the Ultimate Nullifier. They faced many threats during their time together, although none of them that major, with the group regularly going toe to toe with z-listers or simple thugs and robbers. It was mainly for these reasons why America soon decided to leave, with her believing that she could probably do a much better job on her own. Well that, and the fact that she had begun a relationship with the Ultimate Nullifier who defiantly wasn’t her type by a long shot. While still travelling the multiverse, America tends to frequently reside on Earth-212, a platonic perfect ideal of New York, where the metropolis has swept the entire globe and there’s mountains made of statues of liberty. This is when she discovers Earth-76031, with her realizing that here is crime rates are high and people are in serious need of a good punching. Especially when she discovered that someone was supplying MGH to Earth-212 from this new dimension. [/indent] [B]Season 1 Summary:[/b] [indent]America debuted on Earth-76031 started with a bang, after finding herself going toe to toe with the Incredibly Hulk. Luckily she found help in the form of the female Thor, although the fight would result in more harm being done than good, with their efforts only making the Hulk angrier, causing him to cause even more destruction. Fortunately Loki managed to put a stop to this by teleporting the green beast away. America and Thor were soon picked up by S.H.I.E.L.D. where she was introduced to this Earth's Captain America. Explaining to him her situation, she left in order to finish her mission of stopping the inter-dimensional MGH dealer. She recruited mutant telepath Quentin Quire to assist her, who after using his abilities discovered that whoever was behind the dealings worked at a company called Bishop Packaging. There they discovered that the company's CEO, Derek Bishop, was working alongside the dimension hopping mutant Pusher Man. While taking them down, American and Quentin were assisted by Derek's daughter Kate. After the fight, S.H.I.E.L.D. came to do cleanup, while the mysterious Hyperion arrived and invited America to join the Avengers, taking her to the Triskellion where they took part in a group training mission. Since then, America has been working alongside S.H.I.E.L.D. as a member of the Avengers, using her new-found connections to place Kate onto a S.H.I.E.L.D. training squad. [/indent] [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] [list][u]Superhuman strength:[/u] America is able to lift around 50 tons without exerting herself. [u]Self-Propelled Flight:[/u] America has the ability of self-propelled flight, with her being able to travel at superhuman speeds. [u]Superhuman durability:[/u] While not completely invulnerable, America is fully capable of taking a beating before going down. [u]Portal Creation:[/u] Chavez is about physically kick open holes in reality, allowing her, as well as others, to travel the multiverse. These portals also enable her to generally teleport long or short distances. Constantly creating portals tires her out. [u]Bilingual:[/u] America is fluent in both English and Spanish.[/list] [b]Supporting Cast:[/b] [indent][hider=Kate Bishop] [center][img] http://orig07.deviantart.net/b894/f/2015/204/5/a/kate_bishop_by_metaa-d92j9ug.jpg [/img] [sub][i]God you guys suck.[/i][/sub][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Natty - NPC [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Katherine “Kate” Elizabeth Bishop [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] S.H.I.E.L.D. [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [indent]Daughter of Derek Bishop, CEO and owner of world renowned business Bishop Packaging, Kate had a very privileged childhood due to her family’s wealth. Despite all the money however, her life wasn’t all perfect; her mother died a few years after her birth during a skiing holiday in Boulder, Colorado. Her death changed things in her father, causing him to focus on his work more rather than his child. On the Christmas Eve of 2011, Kate had been walking through Central Park on her way home when she was assaulted. The event traumatized Kate, who spent the next few weeks in a silent and isolated state. However, realizing that she shouldn’t dwell onto the past and move forward instead, Kate was motivated to learn self-defence in case something ever happened to her again. Hiring the best instructors she could buy with her father’s money and permission, she began to learn several forms of combat fighting. During this time, Kate also began to see a therapist, in order to further help her deal with what had happened to her. Over the next few months, Kate honed her newfound skills, as well as beginning new ones including fencing, a skill which later led her to begin general sword fighting. However above all, her absolute favourite private lessons were her ones in archery. Kate’s father was soon discovered to be working with an interdimensional crime lord going by the name of Pusher Man. Realizing that her father was a villain, she teamed up with the mysterious America Chavez and Quentin Quire in order to put them both behind bars. That wasn’t the end of this new-found friendship, with the trio deciding to stay in touch after the incident. As such, Kate decided to enlist within S.H.I.E.L.D. due to them finding her skill set particularly interesting. With America's influence due to her being part of the Avengers, Kate was soon placed within a small training program alongside fellow teenage agent; Humberto Lopez. [/indent] [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] [list] [u]Adept Martial Artist:[/u] While no expert, Kate is proficient in several forms of martial arts, including; boxing, jiu jitsu, karate, and kickboxing. [u]Archery:[/u] Kate is very skilled at archery, although is no Hawkeye. Although not yet anyway. [u]Fencing and Swordsmanship:[/u] Kate is adept at both fencing and sword fighting. [u]Money:[/u] Kate Bishop belongs to an incredibly wealthy family, and due to her father being in prison, that fortune now belongs to her. [/list] [/hider][hider=Quentin Quire] [center][img]http://orig12.deviantart.net/42c7/f/2016/079/7/5/marvel__quentin_quire_by_quincy_sue-d763q81.jpg[/img] [sub][i]Well it’s better than school[/i][/sub][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Natty - NPC [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Quintavius "Quentin" Quirinius Quire AKA Mutant Omega [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] None [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [indent]Quentin's outing as a mutant wasn't all that dramatic in a sense, although his parents defiantly weren't too happy. It began with a series of violent migraines, with him at one point breaking down in class due to all the voices speaking in his head. Quire later came to understand that the voices were in fact the thoughts of everyone around him, as well as the fact that he was a mutant. He began to train and after a while he gained control of his mental abilities, resulting in him being able to think clearly without hearing everyone’s thoughts. He pushed on with his train further, stretching out with his psychic power. Quentin began to breeze through high school, simply stealing any information he needed to know for tests right out of the examiner’s heads, as well as keeping school bullies well away from him. Everything was going great for Quentin; everyone “liked” him, he had his parents wrapped around his finger obeying his every move, and he could generally get away with whatever he wanted. That was when the mysterious America Chavez came into his life, requesting his help. The two of them, along with the help of Kate Bishop, managed to take down her father, Derek Bishop, who was distrubting Mutant Growth Hormone across New York and the Multiverse using the powers of the dimensional hopping Pusher Man. After sending the two villains to the slammer, the trio of young heroes split up, although not before agreeing to keeping in contact with one another. Unfortunately it would seem that Quentin only complied with this agreement for two weeks after leaving S.H.I.E.L.D. custody, before mysteriously disappearing off of the grid. He hasn't been seen since. [/indent] [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] [list] [u]Telepathy:[/u] Quentin his capable of using deep and subtle influence, as well as displaying various psionic abilities with the minds of others including reading and communicating with thoughts over vast distances. He most relies on channeling his mental energy as a astral energy shotgun construct which manifests the focused totality of his telepathic powers, which deals direct mental damage leading to intense pain as well as sometimes unconsciousness [u]Psychic Intelligence:[/u] He is able to organize and construct his thoughts at accelerated rates, process data at high speeds, construct and formulate his thoughts with vast quantity and quality, project ideas and impressions into the minds of others and naturally shield himself from psychic assaults. [/list] [/hider][hider=Humberto Lopez] [center][img] https://41.media.tumblr.com/3b5f5afa04787591067d766239ae54a3/tumblr_njuzpbtjLk1tsohk1o1_400.jpg [/img] [sub][i]Well it’s better than school[/i][/sub][/center] [b]Player Name:[/b] Natty - NPC [b]Character You Wish To Play:[/b] Humberto Lopez AKA Reptil [b]Moral Alignment:[/b] Hero [b]Affiliation:[/b] S.H.I.E.L.D. [b]Character Origin & Backstory:[/b] [indent]Growing up, Humberto always had a fascination with superheroes, collecting old comic books from an early ages. It was essentially a dream come true when he turned on the news one day to see the debut of the Amazing Spider-Man. He constantly dreamt about one day becoming a hero himself, and little did he know that was going to happen. His parents worked for S.H.I.E.L.D., both of them palaeontologists. They often took Humberto along with them during archaeological digs, in an effort to persuade to take part in the family business. It was during one of these digs that he found a strange mysterious amulet, which seemed to be made out of some kind of fossilized gemstone. While playing with the amulet, Humberto accidently caused it to send a burst of energy towards one of the other S.H.I.E.L.D. scientists on the dig; Dr. Vincent Stegron. At once Stegron’s body began to shift and change, until he had turned into some sort of dinosaur man. To make matters worse, as soon as the Amulet had blasted Stegron, it had implanted itself into Humberto’s chest. During the following conflict, Humberto managed to escape into the woods. However it wasn’t until he was far away that he noticed that his legs had transformed into those of a dinosaur. Later upon returning to the site, Humberto found that his parents had mysteriously vanished, along with Stegron. He was soon picked up by a platoon of S.H.I.E.L.D. agents whom had come as backup, and was returned to the Triskelion. There S.H.I.E.L.D. became aware of his newfound powers, and he was subjected to weeks of testing. After they were unable to remove the Amulet from his chest, S.H.I.E.L.D. decided that it would be useful to train Humberto in the use of his abilities. He was placed onto a training program, where he decided to take on the alias of Reptil. He was a hero at last! [/indent] [b]Powers and Abilities:[/b] [list] [u]Prehistoric Animal Metamorphosis:[/u] Due to the amulet’s mysterious properties, Reptil is able to transform certain parts of his body into that of dinosaurs, such as pterodactyl wings, a tail, or a velociraptor’s legs. He has yet to transform to be able to transform into a complete dinosaur. [/list] [/hider] [/indent] [b]Sample Story Arcs:[/b] [list][u]Prehistoric Problems:[/u] In an effort to help a friend, America finds herself in the Savage Land. [u]Mutant and Proud:[/u] Where is Quentin Quire? [u]Wrath of Cain:[/u] Classic Juggernaut shenanigans. [u]Young Avengers:[/u] Just a lil' something something i've been wanting to do. [/list] [b]Sample Post:[/b] [indent][hider=Sample Post] [center][img]http://static.tumblr.com/574071c5fe5bfc39e46466f76d508dfb/inyjhfy/SYfn4nzuz/tumblr_static_19ygylom8hgkwgkks0k04skkc.jpg[/img][/center] “Wrong answer, [i]Chico[/i]” You’d think that with an Earth where New York stretches across the entire planet that there’d be more superheroes. Spider-man, Daredevil, you name it. It would seem that this wasn’t the case on Earth-212. Unfortunately though, there was however an abundance of so called supervillains. In America Chavez’s eyes, that wasn’t completely bad. It even made her kind of happy in a way. She finally had people to punch. Well people that deserved it of course! This guy in particular was just your regular drug dealing thug, with the feeble man sporting what appeared to be an entire tracksuit. Obviously he didn’t own a mirror, which was surprising considering everything she had heard. From what she had gathered after “nicely asking” the local junkies, ol’ tracksuit here got his stuff directly from the main supplier. The drug in question? MGH. Mutant Growth Hormone. Powerful stuff. Just one hit could potentially give the user omega level mutant abilities. That enough was enough to get America Chavez on the case although that wasn’t the only reason. What intrigued and worried Chavez the most was that there weren’t any mutants on Earth-212. So where the [i]mierda[/i] was he getting it from? “I swear to god, I don’t know!” The man’s Brooklyn accent was clear as day, although that wasn't exactly rare considering there were around 14 different Brooklyns on this Earth. [i]Oh dios[/i]. America’s patience was wearing thin. She had enough of this. It was time for action. “If the next few words to leave your mouth even rhymes with the ‘I don’t know’, I’ll be breaking your fingers…” America’s eyes glared angrily into the man’s as she pulled his arm in between the two. “…one by one.” “Listen bitch! I don’t…” Well at least she gave him a chance. The scream that followed masked the sound of snapping bones, with the drug dealer collapsing to the floor in pain. He wailed and moaned as he flopped about the floor, while America simply took the time to check her watch. Her attention snapped back however when he finally decided to talk. “Alright… alright I’ll talk! I’ll give you the address!” “That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all day, [i]Chico[/i].” [center]★★★★★[/center] It was obviously a trap. Tracksuit back there had managed to phone ahead before getting picked up by the cops. Fortunately a group of 20 armed guards wasn’t going to be an issue for Ms. America. She tore through the men with ease, easily breaking several bones in the process. Her prize though wasn’t all too exciting. Whoever was behind the drug production here had cleared up shop. By the looks of it, it had only been recently too. America swore angrily under her breath. All night she had been working this case, yet she was still no closer to solving it. That was until she detected something off about the warehouse. The particles around her shifted awkwardly as if they had been broken apart. Of course! It was obvious now. Whoever this sucker was, they had access to the multiverse. All that frickin’ power and what do they do? Sell drugs. Absolutely ridiculous. If they were going to take the time to break the laws of physics, then they may as well do something decent for their efforts. Deciding it was time to take her leave, America closed her eyes and concentrated. Focussing on the energy around her, she stamped down breaking the ground. No, not the ground, the walls of the multiverse. The star shaped portal shattered instantly, leaving a pure white decent into nothing. America frowned at the sight, with her having just detected where it would be taking her. Earth-76031. Perfect. Looks like she wouldn’t be having Korean BBQ until. It was the little changes across the multiverse that did the most damage in her opinion, like the lack of cooking skills on some Earths. Sighing, she gave one last look around at the warehouse, the beaten thugs and even the occasional glimpse of the night sky, before diving through the star shaped hole. [/hider] [/indent]