"What a wreck." Austin spoke out loud to no one, seeing as though he was alone in his ship. Austin had gotten word of a luxury star cruiser that had been hit by space rocks just outside of the star system he was currently in. He had traveled for roughly 2 hours going half the speed of light before coming across the wreck. "Cosmo. Report on the area?" He staring at the wrecked cruiser out of his windshield. "Star Line Exona cruse ship, captain. On rout to the planet Mahnar in the star system Rhym." The ship spoke from a small speaker on the center console, "Currently this area is under lock down but the Klinx, exercise extreme caution." The voice had a deep metallic timber to it. "Klinx....Eh, I've handed worse." He said trying not to get nervous. The Klinx were a race of hummaniod reptilian aliens that had has a mass of tenticals for legs. Their favorite past time was killing any and all who broke their laws, with out so much as a trial. Their laws were final, the punishment was always death. After getting over the Klinx threat, Austin used his main scanner on the console to fine out just what lied inside this potential treasure trove when suddenly alarms sounded inside his tiny vessel. "Cosmo!?" He shouted to his ship, requesting information. "Captain, it appears we have been surrounded....May I suggest running away?" The ship said, almost mocking him, "There appear to be 8 Klinx battle cursors heading right for us sir, shall I use to the hyper drive to get to the nearest planet so that you may...Hide out?" Austin quickly jumped into the center chair behind the controls, "DO IT COSMO!" He shouted strapping himself in before the hyper drive forced him to press into the padded seat. Stars bolted past the ship as it traveled nearly 8000 miles above the speed of light before a sudden de-execration. "Captain, I am landing the ship on this planet, I am sorry to inform you that due to the power I used up in hyper drive, I cannot access my data banks to give you the name, sir. I will need to recharge for a minimum of 12 hours before we can fly again." The ship spoke solomly as he landed in a clearing.