Name: Austin Moody Age: 21 Appearance: A young in shape man. He has hazel eyes and styled brown hair. He sports a well kept thin beard on a well chiseled jaw. He is roughly 5'9" but looks a bit taller due to his boots. He wears black pants and a purple shirt. He also wears a brown leather jacket over the shirt. Gear: Austin packs a twin pair of nova pistols (Metallic pistols much like this ---> He also has a pair of boots outfitted with both thrusters for short bursts of flight (About 7 feet of flight) and magnets to walk easily on metal surfaces. Personality: Austin is extremely sarcastic and only looks out for his best interests. He cracks jokes about every situation and feels that no joke is off limits...Even if that means he might get shot. He has a distrust of most other humans due the drifting colony he grew up on being filled with what he would describe as "Human Filth". Bio: Austin grew up on a drifting colony with no name in the Crab Nebula. This colony was filled with mostly criminals and low lifes. This is what turned Austin into what he is today, a space looter, which is just nice for thief. At the age of 16 the colony was attacked by an unknown race, killing most of the humans, Austins family included. After most people and aliens blamed his father for this happening, Austin stole a 5 person ship by himself and left, to begin his new life.