[quote=@Double] So only one mythological character is allowed to exist? Or only one schmuck in a power suit? Or just one alien outlaw? In the entire fucking universe? There's suspension of disbelief, and there's just plain stupid logic. [/quote] That's why there were additional Wildcard spots and Alien Spots, as well as an additional Big Man/Woman spot. The Big Man could've just as easily been Atlas or Ares and worked alongside the demi-god so long as he was primarily a strength based character. In previous games I've had the problem of half the cast being the same type of archetype. If I'd accepted every vigilante archetype CS for this there would've been a total of four or five not including the other characters who are walking the line. I don't want that anymore than I do five schmuck's in power suits. Or a half dozen Alien Outlaws. If I wanted the last two I'd make an Iron Man/Iron Army RP or a Guardians of the Galaxy RP. If we form a team later on it will presumably be more like the Avengers than the Justice League, especially with STRIKE watching over us all SHIELD style. And archetypes are bound to free up soon if we get any early dropouts. ~KL~