Ren paused, readying herself for the next sweet intake of Telonin breath. Something moved, high above her in the fading light of the horizon. She squinted, hoping to catch a better look at the unusual disturbance. Planet Inok rarely had visitors. It was far too far out of the way of any place of interest - save, of course, the industrial site of Telonin Farm. The only guests Pol ever entertained were ruthless Klinx representatives who were cryptically insistent on forging deals regarding ship oxygen supply and trade, despite their lack of a need for oxygen themselves. Ren shuddered in the cooling air, but it wasn't due to the chill. The mere thought of the Klinx was enough to cause unease in the gut of any being - human and T'brak alike. Thankfully her father was a being of iron will, and of plasma artillery. Surely it wasn't that time again. The last batch of representatives had only recently left their farm not two weeks earlier. She narrowed her eyes tighter and scanned the sky for the flashing light she had seen. There. And again. A craft? Swallowing hard, Ren realised that whatever the illuminated figure was, it was definitely inbound for the surface of Inok. As it drew closer, her anxieties were confirmed. The craft was definitely not of the T'brak. Concern began to knot tightly in her belly as her eyes followed its descent into an area nearby that was, thankfully, free of industry and civilisation. If she were to call over a guard, the mockery that would follow would haunt her for the rest of her days. [I]Poor Bragga, [/i] they would offer condescendingly. [i]Can't even manage by herself when something out of the ordinary happens. She needs our help! As usual. [/i] No. She was on the verge of losing everyone's faith as it was. She was going to hande this herself. Her hand closed around the nearest metallic object she could find. A rake. She grunted her annoyance, but it would have to do. Slipping into an exo-suit, she held the rake in both hands and began to trudge her way through the external fields towards the damaged craft in the distance. It was close. The filters failed to remove the smell of burnt wires and molten metal as she edged closer to the vehicle. An outline. An entrance? She brandished the rake above her head, ready to bring it down onto the metal frame with as much force as she could muster.