When the ship was finally n the ground and steadied Cosmo spoke once again, "Captain, a life form seems to be walking to us." He said over the sparks and wirlls of the ship resting. "Klinx or..." He said making sure his Nova pistols had a full charge. "No sir. Human, perhaps a family reunion?" The ship mocked him. "Not funny, are they armed?" Both his guns had a full charge. He walked to where the door would open and waited for a response from his on board A.I. "Yes. With a rake. Sir, please take extreme caution, you know how dangerous rakes can be. Should I put up the shields?" The ship gave a chuckle. "Remind me ro turn down your sarcasm emitters." Austin said unamused as he pressed a button to open the bay doors and extend the stairs. Once the stairs had been fully extend he walked out of his ship, pretending not to even know the girl was there, but instead, inspect his ship. He walked all around the vessel noting every dent and scratch. The ship was a model C02M0 with the words C.O.S.M.O. pained in white across it. It was a 5 man ship that could be controlled with one person. It had a glass shield over the captains chair with many parts seemingly jurry rigged to it. Austin did not intend to even acknowledge the other human if at all possible. He had never met another human he liked.