[color=f7941d][centre][h3]Leo[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color] Evie & Natalia [hr] Leo grinned, taking a plate and putting a few brownies and cookies for Natalia, before offering it to her. "Here you go! A breakfast full of sweets to energize your day like no other food can do!" He joked. He took a plate of desserts for himself as well. Leo then noticed a table with an array of juices available. "Want any drinks?" He asked the two of them, "I don't mind taking it for you while you find a seat for the three of us." Leo smiled. [color=ed145b][centre][h3]Misha[/h3][/centre] Interacting with: [/color] Remmy [hr] Misha raised her eyebrow at Remmy again, "Really? Well I wouldn't consider that impossible." She shrugged, her name wasn't anything unique after all, there could be hundreds of Misha Bonhams out there. "Wasn't my partner's name Hayes....something something though? I remember it being some really long name." She replied, taking a bite of her food as she tried to recall the name the teacher announced. "Wow, this is really good, do you want some?" She offered, holding out a fork of a mini sausage towards him.