[@The One] [quote=@A Tattooed Girl] But, as for The One's character.. I'm on the fence about it. I wasn't expecting an antagonist, much less a loner one. It's a bit out there, but maybe he could be the wolf that Dav first turned when she had her first winter.. who she kept track of, that eventually turned Kate at the party. It's in Dav's history, which I have yet to edit cause I left it a bit vague due to not knowing how long Kate was with the pack and what their friendship was. Idk, I could pitch THAT to The One.. but other than that, I really don't see a loner fitting into the RP too well. BUT!!! at the same time, maybe a little bit of drama would be good...? I don't know! I'm so far up on the fence it's unbelievable. [/quote] What do you think about the idea of my character Dav turning him, and you being the one who turned Irisity's character Kate at the party where she was turned? And whether you want to do that or not, you'd be accepted on the note that, since your character is not affiliated with the pack you'd have very little interaction with us and it would leave you practically ignored throughout the RP. I don't want anyone feeling ignored in here, so I don't know how you want to play that out.. let me know what you think, One.