Theta was actually enjoying himself, having recently passed through a [random and nameless for story convenience] city and gotten himself a fair surpluss of emotional energy, and near as he could tell avoided attracting unwanted attention during that time. So now he got something he found to be exceedingly rare since he could only do it when he had plenty of stored up energy, Peace, quiet, and solitude, far a fair enough distance from civilization that it was unlikely he'd be disturbed. He's currently fairly high up in a large tree, splayed across a branch leafy enough to conceal him despite his current lack of disguise, a rare moment of comfort and relaxation... well, to him, afterall, when you're covered in a hardened carapace resting on wood is hardly a big deal. The Forest around him was veritably silent as well... he assumed this was actually his doing, being foreign, of a strange scent, and likely reeking of 'giant insect', the ambient wild-life expectably quieted down, even if he didn't intend to 'eat' them he certainly wasn't complaining about the peace. Of course, this perfectly peaceful and quiet moment made it all the more shocking when he suddenly started hearing voices! -[I]Is anyone out there? Hello?[/I]- It was like a voice right in his ear out of nowhere when he couldn't sense any human emotions or even odd scents nearby. "GYAH, SHIT!" Naturally, Flinching violently away from a voice that isn't there, while on a tree-branch, is not a healthy thing to do. "Ohhh nonoNoNONONO!, OOF!... UGH!... Ow!" Several thuds and a couple of woody cracks later and he finally impacted dirt, the last branch he'd hit currently cracked under him. "Uuugh, My head..." Reflexively he moved a claw up to rub the side of his head, quite glad the horn didn't get buried in one of those branches, though the impacts were still brain jarring... then he realized. "wait... my head...voice in my head!" He'd experienced something similar a few times before, namely when communicating with a 'husked' victim, though that was always deadpanned and responsive, this one was vibrant and curious, then more voices came, various different hellos and questions from different voices... when it was just one voice he worried about it being someone trying to exercise some nasty mental power they may have developed... he hadn't encountered one personally, but after examining 'himself' further, he had all kinds of theories about what else might be out there now. But now that there were several voices, it seemed a lot more like some form of general communication, since 'all' of them seemed confused or new to it... he only had Moderate experience with mental communication as it was, he just had to hope the same concepts he normally works will still apply to this and work... First of course, he Trotted over to a different tree and clawed his way back up to a safely concealing branch, just incase the noise attracted one of Karma's pawns, something he called people in unusual places at the right times, such as, if a random hunter were to show up investigating noises in the forest. Once safely hidden again he relaxed and set to his attempts at communication... Though the other's voices all sounded quite normal, 'his' voice would come across far stranger, with a vibratory if not slightly buzzy tone to his voice... Mental voice was no as easy to change as the physical one. -[I]Greetings? It's strange to try communicating without being certain other's can hear me...[/I]- He also began attempting to 'reach out' and see if he could pick up on the emotions of the other's through this sudden form of communication... he imagined such would be especially useful if it worked. [up to GM! :D] -[I]If you can hear 'me' as well, I would love to join you... Until now I have been forced to seek dangerous and populated areas in order to stay alive... I would so much prefer kindred spirits to sheep-like masses and Government agents... I just hope you all can move without being tracked... I'm good at that, but I know how troublesome it can be to those more easily watched once discovered. That aside, I am good at finding safe places as well, perhaps I can help... Pardon me if my enthusiasm is... excessive, but the feeling of being 'alone amongst the masses' is somewhat sickening to me and I am eager to get away from it. If I might offer a suggestion though... we should be 'intelligent' about describing the place we should meet up... rather than just give an exact and obvious location... Call me paranoid, it's entirely possible that those of us who are 'free' are not the only ones recieving this conversation, if you get my meaning.[/I]- It was quite the sudden change from his usual carefully disguised loneliness, people to actually talk to, that know what it's like to be 'different' in that certain way, perhaps not precisely the way 'he' is, but they were the best chance of finding any sort of long-term companion... But there's always the chance of one of them being an even greater threat than the government stooges on the chase. He likes the philosophy of 'anything is possible, and nothing is 'impossible'', So it stands to reason that if there are good and bad normal humans, naturally there could also be bad ones amongst 'them' as well.