[hider=Viktor Regnier] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/1ou32e.png[/IMG] [i]"There's something wrong about that kid, where does he get off making such a mess of things? Must be from that mother of his."[/i] [b]Name:[/b] Viktor Elliot Regnier [b]Nickname:[/b] Vicky (he hates it when people call him that.) [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b]Race:[/b] An Average Human [b]Role & Kingdom:[/b] Prince of Raphael [b]Abilities & Weapon:[/b] Lacks divine abilities. Herbalist and fist-fighter [b]Biography:[/b] Born six years after his elder half sister, Vik is the youngest son. After Queen Carina died, years later King Vincent made love to a lady of the court by the name of Melody, who gave birth to Vik. After his birth, uproars were made from the people, until finally, the King had to leave his court. Only a year or two after that, his mother was killed by one of the people of his own country, saying she had sullied the royal bloodline. As a young child without a mother, he tried to take solace in the father he had. King Vincent offered him anything a formal prince could have and doted on him just as much as his brother and sister. But then he would hear things from dark corners, much of them reached his ears on purpose. None of the people outside of the castle walls knew that he was a bastard, but the ones that did know seem to hate him and prey on the young boy's weakness of his mother's death. As he grew older, he started to resent his father for not doing more to protect his mother. He shouted and ignored his brother and sister that tried to make up with him, they had all the things he had, but none of the whispers the feeling of hate making his skin crawl. In basic terms, this drove the poor boy to make a shell around himself. He would act rashly and tough, so that no one could see the hurt that had plagued him and made him want to crumble. King Vincent became more occupied with his heir and daughter that were becoming so honest and worthy as the prince and princess. Vik was also terrible at using the sword and didn't seem to ever pick up well on conversation and manners. As he grew older, he would escape the castle and get into streetfights, learning more and more about how to fist fight. Whenever the King did get the defiant teenager to go see him, he would be uncouth and horrible, acting highly unsuitable for his title of prince. The king couldn't seem to find any kind of weaponry attribute that he had. It was only the fact that whenever the tutors did convince him to do work that he was able to get 100% that the king could take notice of his intelligent mind. Hoping to cultivate this intelligence, he would have to study day by day to study long hours. Vik may have had one of the most intelligent brains, but he refused to do any of the work that came with learning. He would avoid his tutors as often as possible, he even became well known in the kitchens for stealing food without permission. All Viktor would bother to do for his tutors was read, he loathed writing papers after all. When the King died, Viktor felt shameful of how badly he acted all those years. He cut back on his shenanigans, but still refused to learn things such as politics and the proper manners of a prince. Vik would wonder the castle all day, skipping out on tutoring and finding good places to read. Only when he reached the age of 16 did he get to venture out of the castle. All the boy wanted to do was get away from the castle that called him the black sheep of the family behind closed doors, so he left to study in the Kingdom of Josphiel, a kingdom he had been fascinated with for quite some time. Viktor stayed there for a year, and gained an interest in herbology. Without being in a place where he had to keep up his guard all the time, he was able to become a decent apprentice for a while to become a herbalist and a healer. His problems were that he was never good at being bossed around and being taught, the years of avoiding his tutors proved that. Finally his Mentor all but kicked him out and he set to return to the kingdom of Raphael with his standard pack of ground herbs. [b]Note:[/b] He hasn't been in the castle for over a year, so his natural instinct of putting up a front may become harsher than ever. [/hider]