[@GingerBoi123][@Kitty] Lucas shook his head before standing up. He then closed everything and shut down the computer. "We'll go tomorrow. Deal?" he asked. That would give them enough time to prepare. [@IAMAROBOT] After the group of enemies were taken out, Emma led the squad to the thief. Unfortunately, Agent Allen was shot after impatiently running out into the hall prematurely. The three remaining agents were now in combat with the thief and his goons. Emma and Agent Trainor were providing cover for Agent Woods as he was taking on the thief at close range. [@Zorogami] This group had found the bombers inside the food court. They had already activated the explosive, and it was currently counting down. Agent Stone cursed under her breath as she saw Agent Shima get shot out of the corner of her eye. "Fifteen seconds!" she said before she pulled out her other stasis gun and shot it after taking out the last guy on the side of the room she was at. The stasis bullet made contact with the railing on the upper level where the enemies were shooting at before a burst of mysterious energy came from it, freezing the guys in their spot. There were thirty seconds before the bomb went off, but fifteen before the stasis wore off and the enemies up there turned them into Swiss cheese.