Got pulled in here by Sol. Gonna finish this tonight/tomorrow, APs be rough. [hider=Ender Fujimoto][center][img][/img] [hider=The omnipotent Leader of Blitzwehr in his prime][img][/img][/hider] [h2][color=#72A0C1]Ender Fujimoto[/color][/h2] [url=]"Until the hands of the clock grab hold of me, I will endeavor to press on."[/url] [url=]Another Hymn[/url] [h2]General info, chronological and physical.[/h2] *Chronological Age: 16 *Physical Age: 14-15 *Status: Blitzwehr Leader - Last spotted three days ago carrying 100+ espresso pods into his workshop. *Weight: 118 lbs. *Height: 5'6" *Gender: Male *Eye Color: Blue, kinda like a cornflower? *Hair Color: Azure *Physical Build: Thin, but acceptable for combat *Grade: 11 *Distinguishable Features **Well, aside from his unique hair color, it's a rare sight to see him without his headphones. Rumor has it that they are surgically attached to his head, but then again, that's just facetious gossip. [h2]History/Bio[/h2] *The world's a pretty crappy place, eh? Well, for argument's sake, it beats living in the vacuum of space... But it's still a challenge to not look upon the great expanses of city streets, infrastructure, transportation, and the people propagating all of the above with animosity. Yet this is not the case with Ender. It is true that he is one of the many who have been treated indifferently, the loss of a life close to him failed in forcing him to deviate from his sanguine outlook. As a man bound by his job and now also a widower, his father found it hard to be an electrical engineer, and well, a father at the same time. So why not coalesce the two tasks into the same agenda? Brilliant. And that's not sarcasm, it actually was a strike of intelligence. This was the awakening spark, no pun intended. It soon became evident that the boy had a knack for the field, but even more disconcerting, he was not hindered by the absence of a figure in his household. So fast forward a decade and Ender is a third year enrolled at Genroukai. Why the sudden timeskip? Well, not a lot transpired in the span of time. Sure, the house may have burn down a bit more than just a few times due to some of the boy's inventions that may have gone haywire, and he maaaaaay have been ousted for his own good, but who cares about the details? At the moment, Ender is currently leading a faction alongside a collection of trusted hire-ups, but he's still putting efforts towards searching for his missing friend and former leader Majitsu Kurosaki. He still maintains the faction the absent founder envisioned and builds off of the foundation with his values still in mind. [h2]Personality[/h2] With his heart in the present and on a one-way course deadset for the future, Ender leads his faction against formidable odds without dismay. Denoted by his childish and ebullient personality, upon first meeting people find it hard to believe that he's at the technological vanguard of his generation. Only thing more awe-inspiring is his ability to actually get stuff accomplished due to all of the manga and anime the kid watches. He continually defies fate to no avail and develops a multitude of armaments or ordinary contraptions alongside his comrades, albeit a good portion of them don't always work on the first try. Steadfast is a word usually attributed with Ender. Although he always comes off as carefree, when things suddenly drop to a serious mood, so does he. In fact, he keeps within a side of him that heavily contrasts with his usual temperament, but those who catch a glimpse of it tend to forget quite quickly. He holds true to his beliefs and doesn't hesitate to act upon them in a quick fashion. As expected of a member of the Blitzwehr faction, especially of the leader nonetheless who is supposed to embody its character. But when it comes to academics, quick wit is where the road pretty much ends. Ender is nowhere as tentative with his studies as some of his friends, and tends to tinker with projects on his desk rather than listen to a lecture. Since he is constantly connected to electronics, he finds it borderline impossible to do the latter. [h2]Abilities, and Weaponry[/h2] *[b]Inherent Tuning[/b] - An inexplicable connection to electronics that far exceeds keen sense. Ender was born with the capacity to "hear" electronics, more specifically the current of power flow and their inner workings, and discern their specific location among the technological mass society has been engulfed by. There are a handful of limitations and shortcomings to the ability, one being that it lacks an "off" feature. In layman's terms, anything around the boy utilizing any energy is constantly blaring at him. Silence is a delicacy he has never indulged in. Another drawback is that he needs time, albeit not a lot, to concentrate and pinpoint whatever he is attempting to isolate. He can only exert a certain extent of control upon isolated locus, such as turning off lights or other medial tasks of the sort. *Even though members of the Blitzwehr faction are usually attributed with quick wit and deft responses to changes in battle, that doesn't stop them from refining their other traits. Ender also falls into this category and tries his best to maintain a somewhat substantial schedule to work out and train with his comrades. By no means is he as fit as other members, but he has some muscular definition to bring to the table. And thus this segues into the next topic at hand: his combat style. All Blitzwehr students are outfitted with a wristband which produces an electro-magnetic schedule resilient to most attacks. Each member finds their own way of applying this utility in battle, coupled with the faction's notoriety for being flexible, this leads to some very interesting results. It's not uncommon to see a phalanx pop up at one second and a wall the next. And due to the fact that the user isn't actually [i]holding[/i] the shield, this still frees up both hands to weapons of their discretion. Although he has something in the works, Ender currently keeps it simple with a stun baton and a semi-automatic clockwork stun pistol. Hands down the latter is the more interesting of the two weapons and definitely shows off the kid's technological prowess. Its rate of fire isn't too high to its revolving system, but he makes it work. Despite his physique Ender prefers CQC since he can use his melee weapons in cohesion. [h2]Optional Relations Section[/h2] [/center][/hider]