[h3][center][i]Chikako Momomiya & The Wanderer[/i][/center][/h3] While Joachim went immediately to the front to take care of the archers, Chi handled the enemies he might've missed from behind. Her sweater deftly wrapped around her waist, she already had her bone katana jutting from her arm as she deflected and stabbed. Joachim might've kept to his no-killing rule, but to her, it was meant to be a bloodbath. As she continued making a bloody mess of the H'kelan soldiers, her eyes went from their pinkish tint to a crimson red. They would turn into a much darker hue of red, one that matched the color of the blood she was spilling. Her expression was focused, her eyes never leaving whatever target may have come her way. It was a slightly disturbing scene, really. A small female, pigtails dipped in blood and a sword made from her own bone destroying any enemy that came before her. In surprising contrast to Chi, Joachim remained completely calm and in control in the depth of the H'kelan line. Only a few knew what he looked like even as he began to lose control, and no one else would that day, even his enemies. That didn't mean he wasn't terrifying, however; being chased down by a blur with a very sharp blade was naturally very frightening for anyone who had to face it, even if he killed not a single soul. The fact he wasn't killing went missed in the chaos of the moment as his blade carved through weaker armor and found gaps in stronger. Eventually there weren't any archers left near him, as all had fled away. It left him alone in the middle of a very hostile armed force as the enemy turned to try and close him in. They never quite managed to form a circle around him though, as he was simply much too fast, targeted the slightest exposed weakness to break out and through, into the next group of soldiers. So mobile he was that he had soon sliced his way back out, reaching Chi once again. And, oddly enough, he swung his blade at hers, blocking it and keeping it away from the last man she had cut down. The look on Joachim's face wasn't angry, but more disappointed than anything, though he only looked to her for a moment before whirling, kicking the man on the ground so hard he was sent forwards into the legs of several other men, sending them all tumbling. [b]“Remember the deal we made, Chikako.”[/b] She was surprised to feel her blade catch his and nearly snarled at him as he reminded her of their policy. As he went to kick the man tumbling into his comrades, she withdrew her sword and proceeded to reach into her spine to take out her whip. [b]“Yeah, yeah, at least I had my fun.”[/b] For a short woman, her whip seemed to be at least double her length. Large swarms of enemy soldiers attempted to pile on top of her stationary position, but were swept away rather quickly. The vertebral spikes weren't penetrating any sort of skin, as that would probably kill them, so she used the blunt end to merely sweep them away. It wasn't any fun, she thought, but she was an honorable woman and would uphold her part of the deal. Her traveling companion seemed pleased as she changed her tactics, and once more became focused on the battle raging on around them. His quick movements complemented the sweeping style she adopted with her whip, covering the holes she made in her attacks. Together, the two were completely unapproachable, overwhelming their foes with frightening ease. Years of fighting on the battlefield together showed in that moment, in just how coordinated and skilled they were. With no warning towards Joachim, Chi suddenly retracted her whip, returning it into her back without so much as a grimace. She stretched her neck sideways, as if trying to get her spine back into its natural place, then reached into her thigh to pull out her femur. Its naturally club-like appearance quickly shifted into one of a more uniform cylinder and stretched the same way her whip had. Now narrower and longer, it resembled that of a bo staff. Giving it a slight twirl, she jutted it outwards towards the oncoming soldiers, who seemed to quite happy with the change of weapon. She glanced at Joachim once before holding one end of the staff out towards him and leaving herself completely open. The man glanced over, and without hesitation moved to her, cutting one man in the process. Quickly his hand snapped out, grabbing a hold of the end of her new weapon tightly. With a bit of a smirk and a decent amount of strength, she started to swing him around, much like she did with her whip. For the brief moment before she swung him, he seemed nervous- after she actually lifted him off his feet though, he once again became completely serious. She swung him around, and then at the end of her swing he released, spinning through the air with his sword as a slash blur as he flew past several H'kelans, striking them down. For the first time, laughter erupted from the small woman as she shoved and hit any soldier who thought she'd be an open target after Joachim had left her staff. When he returned, she would have her staff out once more, ready to swing him back into the action. Landing with a roll, Joachim sprung to his feet and then leapt backwards, once more towards Chi. Again, his hand went out to grab the staff, though this time in the same movement he sheathed his blade in one swift movement. His other hand shot up to grab the staff as well, and with surprising strength he whirled, suddenly lifting her off her feet as he swung her around instead. She grinned at the change, holding on with one hand gripped tightly onto the bo staff and her free hand already uncovering a bone blade. It came from her upper wrist and she closed her fist to fully extend the blade. She slashed anyone who dared to come close, only letting go when her feet touched the ground. With the hand that gripped the bo staff, she lifted Joachim off the ground for another round of Phantasm slashing. This time he didn't let go, being swung around and around. With each slash he sent H'kelans flying backwards, sending them tumbling away afterwards. As Chi brought herself to a swinging around to a stop he landed on the ground once again, quickly straightening; however, the two of them together had easily carved a large hole into the H'kelan forces, sending wounded limping and crawling away. In the midst of the wounded and limping, Chi returned all of her weapons back into her body. She bent backwards, sideways and forwards as she made sure everything was put in its proper place. Heading over to Joachim, she rolled her shoulder a bit before landing a hearty slap on his back, grinning the entire time. [b]“Now THAT was a fight!”[/b] The Wanderer actually stumbled forwards from the hit, squawking slightly before he quickly looked up to his traveling companion, frowning. [b]“Yes, but it is not quite over... Do not celebrate so soon…”[/b] She rolled her eyes. [b]“Even [i]I[/i] know that much.”[/b]