[h3][color=d6502d]Wednesday July 6th, 2016. 1:00 PM[/color][/h3][hr] [center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/nvvp0.gif[/img][/center] [quote][color=gray]The case of victim Olivia Ramirez is revealing more information by the hour as the investigation team works hard behind the scenes to crack the case. What at first appeared to be just an accident due to the independence day activities two days ago by the Lafayette Bayou has now developed into a full blow murder case. Autopsy reports show that the victim had a chunk of skin taken from her skin from what could be animal or perhaps even human. The victim's mother Nicole Ramirez, owner of local establishment: "Nicky's Mexican Restaurant." had this to say to our reporter: "I am at a loss of words for what has happened to my daughter. She was a shining star and had a lot of potential to do well in this town. She was a beautiful person inside and out, and my heart is broken. Not only for my daughter but for the person who could have done this to my daughter. I don't know who you are or why you did this..but I" (Nicole begans crying and the camera pans away). More information will be released as this case is solved. If you know any information please report to the Dixie Inn police station as soon as possible. Now we go to Jacob Greene with sports, Jacob!" [/color] [/quote] [center][img]http://i63.tinypic.com/nvvp0.gif[/img][/center] [hr] Bailey switched the tv completely off. She hated watching the news already, but with the outcome of recent events the only thing playing was the murder of Olivia. Olivia's mangled water logged body was already haunting every corner of Bailey's mind, she didn't need some outside source reminding her about it every hour on the hour. Throwing herself back onto the couch in her living room she reached over to her phone, browsing the texts she had received from her friends earlier in the day. She didn't bother responding, she rarely did. Her father and mother were out for the afternoon running errands around town. During the summer time the Sinclaire family struggled a bit financially since both parents were out of work when school was out. Grabbing her phone from the couch she stood up and placed it in the back pocket of her jean shorts. She had about twenty dollars to her name, her house keys, and a resting bitch face on her as she hopped down the front porch steps and made a straight path across the lawn towards her neighbors house. Most people were lucky if their best friends lived within the hour of one another, and here Bailey was with her best friend right next door. The two we're pretty close, bonding over their misadventures of growing up. Raising her arm up she knocked loudly on Evelyn's bedroom window. [color=65f3c9][i]"Is your ass awake?"[/i][/color] she called loudly from outside. Yesterday had been a hard time for everyone, and Bailey wouldn't be surprised if Eve had stayed up all night worrying and hadn't gotten any sleep. [color=65f3c9][i]"Evelyn Juneeeeeeee"[/i][/color] Bailey sang out loudly again, knocking once more on the window. Most people would have gone to the front door of the house but this way she wouldn't have to deal with Evelyn's parents. Hopefully the group could get together to talk about what happened to ease their minds, and also talk about what they wanted to do this summer for fun besides the usual.