[center][h1]Blackfield Supernatural Consulting[/h1][/center] The hot summer sun beats down on you as you wait outside the ancient looking mansion that makes up the headquarters of Blackfield Supernatural Consulting. After making your way from your home to Boston, Massachusetts, then to Salem, you finally had to go almost an hour out of the town to reach this mansion that looks like it's been abandoned for years. Upon arriving, you found a note taped to the door saying "Out for lunch, be back soon". You've been waiting for over an hour and there's no indication your new employer is going to arrive soon. You almost feel as if this could be a joke. A mysterious consulting firm specializing in the supernatural and advertising in the tabloids and on conspiracy websites? Except, something tells you there's more to it. Several background checks, numerous interviews, and even a doctor's examination tells you this is serious business. Not to mention that you know there's more to the world then meets the eye. So you wait. Eventually you hear a car approaching. A single black sedan with heavily tinted windows pulls into the shade of a nearby tree. A pale skinned man in a dark suit with sunglasses gets out of the drivers seat and makes his way around to the rear passenger side without saying a word to you. Opening the door, another man, this time much older and almost frail looking, steps out. Using a cane to carry his weight, he makes his way over to you with several manila folders in his free hand, closely followed by his driver. The old man is certainly unique looking. He's wearing old faded jeans that have been patched up too many times to count and a t-shirt that says 'Woodstock 1969' across the chest. Faded brown cowboy boots, a leather belt with a shiny silver looking buckle, Aviator sunglasses, and a dark blue baseball cap with the Boston Red Socks logo round out the look. The cane appears to be a well polished dark wood with a large knob on the top that the man grabs on to. Stopping right in front of you all, the old man looks at each you in turn before speaking in a gruff, though not necessarily unfriendly, voice. "Ahhh so you must be the new hires. I'll assume you've all taken the time to meet each other, so I'll just introduce myself." The old man steps closer and seems to puff up his chest a little. "I am Orion Blackfield, head of Blackfield Consulting. My companion is Wilfred. Wilfred isn't much of a talker, so don't expect any answers from him." Finishing his introduction, Orion proceeds to hand out the folders he carried over with him. "Rather then do some boring long winded speech, I found us a little [i]test run[/i]. I've got a friend who's having a little ghost problem, so we're going to see what we can do. Take a moment to look over the mission dossier and let me know if you have any questions." Opening the folder, you find only two papers inside. One is a labeled 'Client' and the other is labeled 'Creature'. [hider=Mission Dossier] Client: Elizabeth Smith Issue: Haunting - Ghost(s) Details: The ghosts of her dead husband and son appear to be haunting the barn they were killed in each night. Following their deaths they were buried behind the barn, but they seem to be unhappy with this situation and have been drawing additional ghosts to the area. --- GHOSTS The spiritual remains of the deceased. While they aren’t physically dangerous, they do have the tendency to attract unwanted attention, both human and supernatural. Ghosts are impossible to kill, as they are already dead. Ghosts usually remain in this plane for one of three reasons. First: Unfinished business. This means they had some mission that must be completed. Second: Revenge. These ghosts are pissed and want revenge on whatever killed them. Third: Necromancy. These ghosts are forced back into this realm by some necromancer. Except for spying, there is little real reason for necromancers to do this. Ghosts are most often found in places of great hardship and sadness, such as hospitals. The older the building, the more likely it is to have ghosts. [/hider]