[quote=@vietmyke] [@Dead Cruiser], huh I was more interested in a magical character than I was a swordsman. If typical magic as we know it- ie fireballs, healing spells, typical elemental stuff- is too 'gamey', what would you describe as examples of magic? and while I do intend on playing a human, are there any non-human races available to players? [/quote] Magic is a very abstract thing; it is the power of the Gods, wielded by the clumsy hands of mortals. It is most usually dangerous and unreliable, and practitioners of it are rightfully distrusted by the majority of the populace. As for examples, I can cite some from the original game. My character, Arkos, was able to see the influence of fate and destiny in varying forms, often reeling with visions of the future that never was, and the past that never could be. Some Hyperborean shamans wreaked havoc in another player character's encampment by channeling infernal energies through themselves, which coalesced into the forms of vicious demons. A side character, Ryan, was narrowly saved from being burned at the stake after her latent power over fire burned down her home and killed her family; the result of foolishly trusting a malign entity that promised to help her control the magic. Hopefully this is illuminating. For the latter question, that's a solid no. There are scarcely any "races" other than humans in this setting, and each player character must be human for plot reasons.