[img]http://orig15.deviantart.net/df25/f/2013/207/2/2/au_college___tony_stark_by_riotfaerie-d6f9vh9.jpg[/img] [url]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jNo3zmhXE9Y[/url] Player Name: Drewvonawesome Character You Wish To Play: Anthony Stark – Iron Man Moral Alignment (Hero, Villain, Walking the Line): Hero Affiliation (what group/team/organization, if any, is your character affiliated with?): The Avengers certainly in the future, right now just Stark Technology as its CEO. Character Origin & Backstory: In the idea of the original meaning, Tony Stark was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. Though in this case it might as well been a platinum encased spoon with wi-fi and GPS capabilities. Tony Stark's dad is the CEO and the second generation of the Stark family to run Stark Industries. A weapons manufacturer who had a serious penchant for powerful equipment that was always on the cutting edge. Tony never really knew his mother, as she passed away when he was little. His father though was a role model for him in every sense of the word. Martin Stark had a dry witty tone, loved rock music, especially the kind from the 70s and 80s, and even with his wealth was someone who was never stuffy to anyone. When Tony though was very little he developed a heart disease that made his heart slowly lose energy. Doctors told his father he had very little time left before his body could no longer even support itself. In a moment of almost mad scientist like focus. Martin Stark brought his son to the company headquarters, and after a week of non-stop work. Fitted his son with a energy reactor core that kept his heart moving sufficiently. Over the years since refining the technology to make sure Tony would be healthy and that any dangerous side effects were dealt with. He wanted Tony to be raised right, and from day one had Tony attending public schools in New York City. Though when he was sent to the schools he was always reminded, to see the others who didn't have the money, the lifestyle he could afford. It wasn't about mocking them, it was about understanding where he is, and how that spot could help make their lives better. Even still though Tony had trouble fitting in and relating to people. As Tony reached his second year of high school his father was leaving the house more to attend to business matters. Him and his son, who was by this point in his father's eyes outmatching him in intelligence. Created a artificial intelligence program to run day to day operations in both their lives and managing the house. The program was named Jarvis, and both the father and son immediately found an improvement in their lives with him. They especially had a laugh when Apple introduced Siri, those filthy copy cats. Tony's life changed however when his father went out the Middle East to demonstrate a new high grade explosive. It was only going to be a three day trip but on the second night he was kidnapped by terrorist groups. After weeks of searching for him, Tony found out from Nick Fury's own mouth that they had found his father, dead. Suddenly Tony Stark went from simply a kid to becoming the new CEO of Stark Industries because of his father's will. Originally drowning in his own depression Tony was willing to just let any of the higher ups in the company just take over operations and avoid it like the plague. However it was a chance visit to the headquarters that Tony started to see things differently. He was going in to fill out some paperwork letting Obadiah Stane, a long time friend of his father and one of the company's top executives, take over as CEO. While Tony strolled through the company he saw things, things that knowing what his father had died for make him sick to his stomach. Bombs, guns, explosives, so many things of war, so many reasons he had to die. Tony turned and walked away before ever filing the paperwork, and the next day returned to claim his spot as CEO of the company. On his first day Tony Stark announced the company would begin a complete overhaul of operations. Moving from weapon crafting to everyday electronics, and changing the name of the company to Stark Technology. At first people thought he was insane and delusional, and fears over someone so young taking over the company caused stock in it to plummet. However Tony had a plan, through an immediate advertising campaign that became the talk of the business world, buying up small start ups and giving them time and money to create, and careful reorganizing of positions without causing much lay off. In the first year Stark Technology rebounded, and now seemingly is looking to dominate the smart phone, television, and even video game markets in the coming years. However Tony himself wasn't satisfied enough. He still wanted answers, something that could soothe the burning in his soul over what happened to his father. Not to mention it was the fact that all those weapons still existed. It all fueled him to doing something about it. On his own time at home, Tony took some of the old firepower that the company was leaving, and began working. He originally worked on other prototypes and concepts before he found himself with a suit of armor. It used all the best and highest quality material and equipment money could buy. Best of all it worked on the same reactor core that his father made him all those years ago. In a year's time, a working prototype was finished, Tony Stark dubbed it 'Iron Man'. Now with only some private practice sessions to his credit, Tony Stark plans on a lot of quality time with his newest creation, if he has any hopes of ridding himself and the family name of the dirty warmongering. Season One Summary: After inheriting and changing the company’s image for the better. Tony Stark began work on and finished the Iron Man prototype suit, initially being met with skepticism until Tony Stark used it to save many people at an event held by Valkyrie’s parents. However the victory was short lived, as because Loki was also at the event. Tarene went to Stark the next morning for answers. Not accepting Stark’s genuine clueless knowledge on Loki, and the fact Stark refused to use any of his company’s equipment to find Loki. Tony Stark was attacked and even with the powerful Iron Man suit was defeated severely by Tarene and Mjolnir. However before Tony was possibly killed Loki arrived to talk Tarene down and stopped her. Stark, unsure about the future of the Iron Man concept. Was rushed to SHIELD HQ where he got medical attention from his close friend Valkyrie. It was also there he met Captain America Sam Wilson for the first time. Tony Stark felt offended by Sam’s seeming belittling nature and the two had choice words for one another. After that it was a lot of small business for Stark, running a multi-billion dollar corporation, giving Thor Mjolnir so crazy women wouldn’t beat him up with it again, starting up the Fantastic Four as a backer and sponsor, the usual stuff really. All while beginning in his mind the new Iron Man designs. Powers and Abilities (What can your character do? What can't they do?): Tony Stark himself is a simple person. Healthy and although has the reactor core in his chest, normal as normal gets. All of his power comes from the suit of armor. [img]http://img11.deviantart.net/a190/i/2013/004/3/e/iron_man_by_shamserg-d5qe5ot.jpg[/img] Iron Man's abilities are constantly changing because of his constant technological upgrades on the armors. In general terms, he has super strength due to the build of his armor. The exact amount of strength is unknown, but it seems that he can lift and press over 100 tons. The armor is very durable, capable of withstanding tremendous amounts of punishment. Tony Stark's armor has a muscularly aligned matrix of crystallized iron enhanced by magnetic fields over layers of other metals like titanium, which grants him endurance capable of withstanding high caliber bullets with ease. He can withstand rockets, torpedoes and such, although he does take damage. The armor also enables Iron Man to fly at high speeds, exceeding the speed of a jet airplane, due to the rocket propelled boots that are placed on the bottom of the armor's boots. Iron Man's suit has many power sources, such as solar converters, electrical batteries and an on-board generator that uses beta particle absorption as a fuel source. The suit is also able to convert nearby energy sources, such as heat or kinetic energy into electricity, or even drain electrical energy directly into the batteries for recharge. Although the suit has some open holes to allow the wearer to breathe normal air, it can be sealed off, allowing the pilot of the suit to go underwater or into space by granting its own life support and limited air supply systems. Stark also has equipped the suit with numerous weapons over the years, making the suit more powerful each time. The most often used weapons are the repulsor rays (magnetically channeled beams of super-heated plasma) that are fired from Iron Man's palms or gauntlets. Other weapons that are built into the armor include the uni-beam projector in its chest (controlling the full range of the electromagnetic spectrum from blinding searchlights to cutting lasers), pulse bolts that pick up kinetic energy along the way, so that they hit harder the further they have to travel, an electromagnetic pulse generator and energy shield, the generation of ultra-freons, the creating and manipulating of magnetic fields, sonic blasts, and a holographic generator to create decoys. Everything is voice operated as well as automated through specific commands and using JARVIS. Most importantly though the suit comes with a five terrabyte MP3 player built in. After all, when Tony Stark kicks ass, he needs his music. Sample Story Arcs: Beginning the Avengers along with whichever Captain America is and SHIELD. Finding out there was more to his father's death than just random kidnapping and murder. With Sep's permission of course. When Hulk goes on a rampage Tony Stark uses his newest creation, the Hulkbuster suit. After all if he can't take down his science bro, who can? Sample Post (This is used as an introduction to your writing – try to keep it to around three paragraphs or more and try to include dialogue): Las Vegas, NV Electronics Consumers Conference “YEAH! KILLED IT!” Tony Stark put his hand up high as several other hands slapped it hard. The showcase presentation was a complete success. Already tech blogs were raving about the new handheld gaming system, plasma TVs, and smart phones with unbreakable plexiglass screens. Then again Tony Stark knew it was all going to be a success. Success was something he needed for the company badly. The company needed big smash hits to be able to rebound after the opening troubles. Sure Tony Stark knew the road as CEO of his family's enterprise was not going to be easy, but turns out investors REALLY don't like the idea of an 18 year old fresh out of High School not only running a major corporation, but completely changing said corporation's main supplies and image. Said young out of high school kid had a lot on his plate, and knew failure would mean the end of the now third generation ran business. As Tony Stark got high five after high five, finally adjusting and loosening up the skinny black tie he had on with his grey shirt and black slacks. “Ah, man I tell ya, The Geto Boys said it best. Damn it feels good to be a gangsta!” Tony Stark beamed. “I'm fairly sure CEOs aren't people who should be quoting The Geto Boys.” Tony Stark turned to see the larger James Rhodes. A close friend of his father turned executive of daily operations after Tony put himself in charge. “Whatever, bunch of haters I tell ya.” Tony stated with a dismissive wave of his hand. “Well either way Tony, we still have a few business matters left with the show before I would call it a complete success.” James Rhodes, for as much as Tony both liked and hated it, was always extremely attentive when it came to the details. “The show was great, but I think Stark Technology is really going to need its big thing to really put it over the edge.” Tony paused after getting a can of soda from a catering table to glance back at James. “Wait hold up seriously? I know I wasn't the only one who heard the crowd screaming like pre-teens at a...” Tony Stark realized he didn't realize who was the big it singer right now. “Whoever the Hell concert these days. Beiber still right? No wait uh whatever point is they loved it. What the Hell kind of big thing are they talking about?” Quickly Tony Stark pulled up his smart phone, instantly seeing that while a lot of sites were praising the presentation and items the company had planned. There was a consciousness against a really big item to put the company on the map. Tony's joy had dampened a bit as he flipped through the twitter posts, facebook posts, everything on the web about the show that all seemingly said the same thing. “What the Hell? What did I need to juggle chainsaws while humming AC/DC to make these people happy?” Tony sighed irritated before a thought dawned on him. “Wait! I might have it. Rhodes schedule a press conference at HQ. Next week, early afternoon at the best. They want a showstopper? I'll give them a showstopper...”