[quote=@vietmyke] [@Dead Cruiser] also, are there any rough cultural equivalents for the different regions of the world? Like is Borea/The Iron Kingdoms the equivalent of medieval europe/england? Are the Atlanteans similar to Mediterranean peoples? Are there any pseudo arabic cultures? [/quote] Yes, you basically have the correct understanding of it. I had a shitty map before, but if [@Shorticus] wouldn't mind lending their considerable talents to my cause, I wouldn't mind making a better one. Iiram was generally comparable to an Ottoman/Arabian empire, though with distinct Persian and Egyptian influences as well. Gotta mangle [i]all[/i] the cultures together. There are other cultures in the wider world, as briefly mentioned by Gunther, who has read the info-dump from the last game (which, worry not, will be provided to all of you fine folks in its revised form). Other regions of the world include the Sand Kingdoms to the east, the Ivory Kingdoms to the south, the Jade Kingdoms in the far east, the Obsidian Kingdoms in the west and the Clay Kingdoms somewhere in parts unknown.