[center][color=9966cc][h2]Jamie Wolfe[/h2][/color][img]https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/t51.2885-15/s320x320/e35/12558936_880928978672661_961591212_n.jpg?ig_cache_key=MTE4MDgxOTg2MTI5NDE4MzU1OA%3D%3D.2[/img][hr][hr][/center] The first thing Jamie realized was that it was [b]way[/b] too bright out. His dumbass had forgotten to close his shades the night before and now it seemed like the sun was literally 10 feet in front of his room. The second thing James realized was that he had drank [b]way[/b] too much the night before. With a pounding headache, knotted stomach, and haunted dreams, Wolfe staggered out of his room and into the bathroom. He gripped the endues of the sink and took a few deep breaths in an attempt to center himself. Olivia's broken body was painted onto the back of his eyelids, he couldn't get her out of his freaking head! The drinking didn't help, he thought that it would wash away the memories but all it left him with was a hangover and a grumpy attitude. Taking a cold shower shocked him into waking up a little, but he didn't even bother trying to look "good" that day. His hair was carelessly shoved to one side and his eyes probably still had that gross sleep gunk that everyone got. James even noticed a few pimples breaking out on his chin but could care less, honestly. His attire didn't help his already appearance, he was in sweatpants in the summer, and grabbed the first thing his hand touched in his closet, which happened to be a red tank top. It was probably a funny sight, seeing James pour himself a bowl of cereal with a pair of sunglasses on in his outfit in the kitchen. Not that James was in a particularly funny mood today anyways, which was unlike him. Wolfe was in the middle of eating some bomb cinnamon toast crunch cereal when he got a text from California, his best friend. Honestly, James wasn't in the mood to anything today, he just wanted some coffee, a good movie, and a nice nap. Sadly, it didn't look like he was going to get that. He read, Charlie's text. [indent][b][color=00aeef]hey if you're not up, get up. we should get the gang together and go do something[/color][/b][/indent] Jamie sighed as he dropped his bowl into the sink and texted with his free hand. [u]To: Sinclaire, Eve, Cali[/u] [indent][b][color=9966cc]Grandparents r on a cruise this week, whole house is mine. See u guys soon?[/color][/b][/indent] James poured himself a huge ass cup of coffee and sprawled himself on his couch, watching whatever cartoons were on the TV. He left the front door unlocked, knowing his friends would just waltz in as they pleased.