[@guineamania] Sorry, I've been so swamped the past week, but now I'm back and better than ever! Aside from what Roze has mentioned, the bio looks okay, but yeah, update when you have tweaked the parts that need changing and perhaps revised your powers a bit. If both parties agree, I don't mind two having the same or similiar powers, it could be interesting and bring out alot of arcs regarding who's 'better' or if one has use and the other doesn't, but that's entirely between the both of you. Also, if Anna's powers are not completely controlled yet, aka her still drawing in heat, maybe you'd like to go with something that cuts off the powers or blocks it from potentially harming other students, like the radiation suit that Hazmat had, but way more downplayed. [@Chicogal] Bio looks good, I would like to see him and Weather go up against each other in a battle near the sea front, but we'll leave that to fate. Go ahead and post it in the characters tab. [@MiddleEarthRoze] [@knighthawk] [@Carlsberg] Intro arc will be starting soon once, if you know of anyone still wanting to join, just drag them over here. Either way, prepare your characters.