Adrian arrived at the building's location nearly two hours before the designated time, exploring the grounds and searching for threats in the area. He had hiked from his motel room in Salem, carrying his bag of medical supplies and his hand gun, a 9mm Beretta, in a leg holster. He wears a dark overcoat, dark grey sweater and weathered jeans tucked into a pair of even more weathered combat boots. Around his neck, the medic has a dark olive and beige keffiyeh, completely covering his throat and providing nose and mouth cover in a pinch. On his head, he wears a plain black watch cap, covering close cropped grey hair. Finding nothing out of the ordinary, Adrian plunked himself down on the front porch and waited. When the others arrived he gave a raspy hello and a weary, but firm handshake, noting their appearances. Another weary soul with an imposing air, a twitchy kid with a cast, and a British IT girl. An eclectic bunch sure, but if they were up to the challenge, he was there to make sure they came back physically well. Adrian decided he disliked the kid with the cast, Lancer he called himself. It was the way he carries himself, the way he saw some upstart junior officers act before they got a man killed. Mike acted like that the first couple of months...ignoring his train of thought Adrian continued to study the group. The detective, Harvey, stood out with his stance and his gun, and seemed to be a good man and someone similar to the ex-soldier. The young British African woman was the one outlier of the group, though in a good way. Young, she lacked the broken air of Harvey, lacked the strange affinity Lancer seemed to have with the supernatural, and lacked his own tainted hands. the very clothes she wore differentiated herself from the rest of the small group. Her business attire, the attention to presentation contrasted with the casual outfits of the men. No doubt she would be one of the more important members, if only for her air of professionalism. As he introduced himself, he began categorizing the individuals into roles. Harvey was a leader, perhaps a detective when he was on the force, capable of leading by example and handling difficult personalities. Another hitter if push came to shove, but better left to verbally defuse situations. Shepard was the technology person of the team, he had seen the laptop bag she carried with her, and her image was one the team could exploit for lukewarm clients and authorities. And Lancer, where to begin with Lancer. To start, he's extraordinarily unhealthy. Adrian saw the way the man had come in, huffing and puffing and red faced. He also appeared to be both sleep deprived and caffeine addicted. The large dark bags under the younger man's eyes, and the small furtive glances he gave towards Harvey's cup of coffee only added support to the corpsman's diagnosis. His figure, though only slightly shorter than Adrian himself, was also unhealthily thin, enough to make Adrian clinically wonder how the other man hadn't collapsed yet from low blood pressure. From the words the younger man spoke, Adrian began to dislike Lancer even more than he originally thought possible. He put up with the man's caustic words as best he could as he waited for his employers to arrive. [hr] When the car pulled in an hour later, tinted windows and all, Adrian went on alert immediately. It was suspicious when a car with all tinted windows was anywhere, even more so when said car pulled up to a group of individuals at an isolated location with no cell reception. Pulling his gun out of it's holster, he thumb caressed the safety softly, hoping that the threat would be enough to deter action long enough for him to react if the situation went hot. Thankfully, his actions went unneeded, though he was aware of how he appeared to his co-workers, when the two men stepped out of the car. Taking the proffered dossiers with one hand, he holstered his gun and began reading through the documents. [color=aba000]"Medical records? Police reports?"[/color] Adrian rasped out as he thumbed his way through the reports. The case intrigued him. Non-violent monsters? That was an unseen unknown he hadn't considered in his experience, though in hindsight wasn't an unreasonable leap to make.