[hider=The Ghoul] [img] https://cdn3.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/002/413/475/large/sabbas-apterus-bloody-and-blue-w.jpg?1461433865[/img] Archetype: Feral Man/Woman Name: Margaret Anne Haefield Alias: Ghoul Age: Looks 15 but is actually 48 years old Powers: Super Strength, Rapid Regeneration, Bodily Manipulation, Bloodlust Margaret’s experimentation on herself worked and her body’s limit has been vastly improved upon. Her improved strength allows her to lift and toss small cars with relative ease. Rapid Regeneration is just how it sounds. Margaret’s body rapidly recovers wounds, disease, poison, and so forth. That’s not to say she isn’t affected by such things, quite the contrary, as Margaret feels every bit of it. Recovery for injuries can occur within minutes but can take up to 24 hours depending upon the amount and severity of injury sustained. During periods of recovery, Margaret is often noted as lethargic and tired as her regeneration saps her physical strength. Recovery for severe injuries can reduce Margaret to a sickly comatose state for a time period as her body works intensely to recover the damage done. It should also be noted that any foreign material, like shards of bullets, will have to be removed. Her regeneration has also had the uncanny effect of reversing her aging so she has reverted to appearing much younger than what she actually is. Bodily Manipulation works in tandem with Margaret’s regeneration ability and her regeneration is crucial to her survival if she were to use her Bodily Manipulation power on herself. This power manifests itself as her being able to consciously control the formation of her own biological material. The result is that Margaret is capable of morphing her body into a weapon of bone and flesh. For example, she could manipulate the structure of her arm to form a crude blade made from her bones or she could sprout two bony fangs from her mouth. As you can imagine, her power is quite… repugnant to many. Finally, her Bloodlust is an unconscious drive for blood. The sight of it drives her feral and her increase in aggression is directly related to just how bloody an altercation could get. Her savagery only amplifies her strength and speed as she appears to get ‘hungrier’ for blood but she doesn’t actually have to drink it. In fact, she doesn’t really need anything to sustain her at this point. She’s entirely self-sustaining. There is an interesting interaction that happens between these of these powers. Namely, Margaret’s own conscious changes to her body will not be undone by her more unconscious regeneration, but rather, it will assist in the process greatly. As you can imagine, altering someone’s body in such a way would cause all sorts of problems like bleeding out, shock to the system and so on. However with Margaret’s regeneration, her body can readily adapt to those extreme changes without the negative impact. The only exception is that the process is still quite painful as nerves twist and turn along with the rest of her body. But the payoff from this power can be huge. There are also some other creative strategies that Margaret utilizes. She learned that she could remove sections of her brain and plant that into a fresh human corpse in order to control the living dead. Essentially real zombies, right down to the slow shuffling feet and the need to eat living flesh. Stopping them is just how you’d expect, blow out their brains. Weaknesses: The best strategies to take Margaret on aren’t too complex and albeit that incapacitating her is easier than killing her. She’ll still sustain damage and harm as severe wounds need time to heal. Aiming to inflict heavy damage upon Margaret could give one victory. Electricity still has an effect on Margaret and something as simple as a Taser can halt her dead in her tracks. Fire is another way to heavily impede and damage Margaret as the whole process of burning is quiet painful. Alignment: Villain Personality: Psychotic, Childish, Cunning, Deceptive, Intelligent BRIEF Bio: Margaret Haefield was one of the greatest minds in the modern era for neuropathical studies. It was her work that managed to propel modern medicine into a new era as some other leading experts called it and her work was used to fight and cure many neurological diseases. However her passion was an obsession and it was noted that her labor intensive practices constantly put her health at risk as she often forewent food and sleep. About two years ago, Margaret was working on a unique project that was supposed to stimulate the brain to increase human tissue regrowth. The end goal was to eventually be able to allow humans to cheat death naturally, but the project was doomed from the start. Various setbacks and conditions of red-tape had stagnated the project to the point where eventually Margaret was given a week to succeed or the whole thing would be canceled. Seeing as this project was also her vegetable of a husband’s last chance, she was dedicated to seeing her project through. In the end the project was a failure but not due to the deadline. The project ended two days before then as Margaret had exposed herself to the mutagen and her body underwent violent stress before she eventually passed away. Many believed she accidently made a mistake in her sleep deprivation and exposed herself but others support that she purposely exposed herself out of desperation. Whatever the case, she had been exposed and was pronounced dead at the scene. Her body hauled away and the whole project terminated. As it turns out, Margaret ended up coming back alive but at this point she was no longer the same old Margaret. After being dead for days, Margaret had lost grip of reality and her mind, either corroded or corrupted, fell to madness. Storylines: Margaret is in a primal lust for blood and gore at the moment. She desires nothing more than savor her unsavory appetite. However, there is a hidden motive lying among her seemingly random moves. In truth, she seeks revenge but there is a small part of her that wants her husband back, but he is no longer in his comatose state. [/hider] Notes: I invite anyone to come up with previous encounters and such with Margaret. She's pretty easy to figure out for the most part.