[img]https://i.imgur.com/OvnUnST.png[/img] Eddie arrived with at the derelict mansion exactly when he was expected to. He wasn't the suspicious sort even though he probably should be, so he felt no need to come early and case the area. He came dressed in a short sleeved red plaid button-up shirt, blue jeans, aviator sunglasses resting on his face. He fancied himself fairly stylish even though he was old enough to be considered 'not with it'. On his hip was a holstered pistol, a Glock 22, in his hand a Styrofoam cup of coffee still steaming hot which he gently nursed as he strode up towards the door of the building. He was almost certain he had arrived at the wrong address, but the presence of other would-be new hires for Blackfield Supernatural Consulting confirmed he was indeed in the right place. The building was derelict and he was sure it was abandoned. A note informed him that their new boss was out to lunch, so he had nothing to do but wait. He took the chance to introduce himself to his new coworkers. A gentle smile rested on his face as he glanced at the others who had arrived, [b][color=A3A3A3]"I'm Edward Harvey. Just 'Eddie' is fine."[/color][/b] His voice exuded a warm tone. When he first walked up he might have looked a little intimidating, with the pistol on his hip (He figured he might need one) and the neutral scowl he wore when no one was looking, but the moment the smile hit his face he seemed to take on a lighter air. He returned the handshake of the man sitting down on the porch- his voice was raspy, suspiciously so, but Eddie knew better then to comment. As for the others that would come or had already come there there was a gaunt and sickly looking man who's arm was wrapped up in gauze. He knew better then to comment about that too. The last seemed to be the only one of the group that wasn't suspicious, a girl that didn't have any notably strange qualities. After examining each in turn Eddie set in to wait, leaning against the wall of the mansion. Soon he drained his coffee and they were still waiting. He disposed of the empty cup in his car. When he returned to the spot where he was waiting they were, in fact, still waiting. Had an hour passed? He glanced at his watch. No, it had been fifteen minutes... and they were still waiting. It was at this point Eddie wondered what the hell he was doing out here. He had left his job, which he liked very much (At least before he ran into serial killing Frankensteins) and payed well. He moved away from the town he had lived in for 47 years of his life. He moved across the country to a place he never really wanted to go and came out into the absolute middle of nowhere... and for what, to play ghostbusters? He knew in the back of his mind that he had only made this decision because he wanted to and that this was what he really wanted to do, if only to find answers for what he'd seen, but he still needed to vent. He also needed to wait. He briefly considered making small talk with the people around him, but they all seemed... well, a little off, with the exception of the group's female. So he made himself content with [b][i]waiting[/i][/b]. It was by the time that he was picking incessantly at a blade of grass he plucked from the ground to keep himself sane that a black sedan drove towards them. He discarded the piece of greenery and waited for the car to come to them. It seemed that his raspy-voiced friend was a little jumpy, pulling out his pistol as the car came. [b][color=A3A3A3]"Woah, woah, woah, it's just a car! Put your goddamn gun away!"[/color][/b] Seriously, was this guy some kind of maniac? [i][b][color=A3A3A3]This guy got some kind of problem with cars? Maybe he doesn't like the color black? Remind me not to... well, do anything to him, since he seems pretty eager to wave a gun around.[/color][/b][/i] He shook his head as the pair emerged from the car and walked towards them. One of them was a sharply dressed but silent man, the other man old and nearly as decrepit as the mansion. The old man greeted them, introducing himself as Orion Blackfield. [i][b][color=A3A3A3]So, our boss then. And the man that almost got shot by the crazy gun-waver.[/color][/b][/i] Eddie accepted Orion's packet, [b][color=A3A3A3]"I'm Eddie, nice to meet you sir."[/color][/b] He knew well enough to be respectful to his boss. He glanced over the file. Ghosts? [i][b][color=A3A3A3]Guess I really am a Ghostbuster.[/color][/b][/i] He had dealt with Frankensteins, but... well, Eddie knew better to be skeptic now, but he wasn't really sure he was ready to accept that so much existed in his world. He guess he would see it and have no choice but to accept it. [b][color=A3A3A3]"So, basically we have to figure out why the ghosts are still hanging around? Sounds... easy enough. I'm ready to go."[/color][/b]