Leith was excited for the demonstrations. The bet between him and Xyden only increased his excitement. Who was the Hydromancy demonstrator? The excitement seemed to be getting to the buzzing in his head. It felt like there was a swarm of angry bees inside of his head. He put a hand up to his head and gave a small groan. He saw the man dressed in black walk past the table, and for a moment, the buzzing in his head stopped. A moment later, a piercing, screeching noise ran through Leith's head. His vision blurred and he lost all sense of hearing. He grabbed the sides of his head as he tried to somehow force out the terrible noise. It felt like his head was going to split in two. The screeching was relentless, but before it got to the point where Leith thought he was going to go crazy from the sound, the screeching stopped, and the sound quickly returned to the room, along with the buzzing. Leith was panting. He could feel sweat running down his face, and he wasn't sure when he grabbed the edge of the table. He let go and shook some feeling back into his hands. Whatever that was, it had come as quickly as it had left. He had no clue what had caused the screeching noise, but he was going to find out what did, and it seemed that the man dressed in black had something to do with it. Deciding to wait until another time to approach the man. He turned his attention back to the head table, waiting for the demonstrations to start. Even though he watched him stand up, Leith flinched at the screeching noise caused by Khan's chair sliding backwards. It seemed that the demonstrations had begun. Leith frowned when Khan said that Uicle would do both the Necromancy and Hydromancy demonstration. [I]That doesn't sound right,[/i] he thought to himself. He shrugged the thought away and started watching the Electromancy teacher. Leith watched as Serge shot a bolt of lightning at the ceiling and waited for it to do something. Leith was starting to feel a bit disappointed at the thing on the ceiling not doing anything when he heard the gasps of people around him. Looking back at the floor, Leith was surprised when he saw a lot of metal being lifted towards the ceiling. He noted in amusement that the man in black had been picked up and was levitating above the crowd. When Serge ended his demonstration, Leith winced as the man fell to the ground. His wince was interrupted by something wet hitting his head. He looked up in time to see his once-full cup falling down towards him. The cup hit him in the forehead before he had a chance to react. With a sigh and while rubbing his forehead, Leith looked at the Pyromancey teacher and hoped that nothing would happen to him during this demonstration.