Thursday, March 21st, 2016. Richard sighed and looked down at his watch. 8:17 [i]Really?[/i] he thought. [i]I get attacked, get detention, then the damn tool bag giving the detention doesn't even show up on time? And where the hell is Sophia? She had better not be hiding in a tree or something.[/i] "What the fuck is wrong with this asshole?" Largent growled around another cigarette. His already short temper was growing shorter and it wouldn't be long before he either did something stupid, or simply left. Cassidy, Carter, and Hall looked to be in some level of agreement with him and Richard winced when Largent glared at him through a thin haze of smoke that hung in the air between them. "Probably didn't want to spend some time around your sparkling personality," Richard muttered under his breath and turned away, looking around for Sophia. A moment later a hand grabbed his shoulder and pulled, hard, spinning him around until he was eye to adams apple once again with the still smoking thug. "What was that, you little shit?" Largent snarled. "I'm sick and tired of putting up with crap from you. You really need to learn your place in this schools pecking order." As he spoke Cassidy, Hall, and Carter came up to stand around him, flanking the bigger bully like faithful soldiers falling into line with their general. Richard screwed his eyes shut and waited for the punch he was sure was coming when a voice boomed out and interrupted them. "You really don't want to do that, Jack." Largent let go of Richards shoulder and they all turned to see Om striding toward them. Gone was the shirt and tie from earlier in the day. Instead, he was wearing a pair of jeans, steel toed work boots, and a tightly fitting compression shirt that just enhanced the fact that he could probably break Largent in half with his bare hands if the bully stepped out of line. "I have no problem smacking you upside the head in someone else's defense, if I need to," He growled, stopping only inches away from largent and his new cronies. "I wouldn't even get in any trouble either. It is entirely within to law for me to attack you if I'm simply defending someone, so give me a reason, jack ass. I'd be happy to show you a thing or two." Largent stared into the taller mans eyes for a moment before he shrugged and stepped back, an uneasy grin playing around the stub of a cigarette still protruding from his mouth. "S'not worth it," he grunted and turned away. After a minute where no one else moved Om finally nodded once, as if deciding on something, and turned to face them as a group. "Alright, ladies and gentlemen," he said. "We're going to be working on a little project here tonight. So make yourselves comfortable, we might be here for a while."