[center][IMG]https://40.media.tumblr.com/30c8d611e9b142ee8633e8699746533a/tumblr_nq1s29YHDD1s2widjo3_540.jpg[/IMG][/CENTER] [color=slateblue][B]| NAME(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Amir Hosseini​[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| NICKNAME(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT]​[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| ALIAS(ES): |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Tendril​[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| D.O.B.: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]03/15/1993[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| AGE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]23[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| SEX: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Male​[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| SEXUALITY: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Homosexual[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| APPEARANCE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Standing at 6”1, Amir has a lean yet muscular figure. Atop his head is a mass of curled charcoal hair, usually propped up with varying amounts of wax depending on the situation. His chin is warmed by the rugged stubble of a beard, complimenting his nougat coloured skin nicely. His eyes a beautiful brown. Amir can always be found wearing a pair of black skinny jeans, usually ones styled with ripped knees. He dresses casually, often sporting a simple t-shirt along with an unbuttoned shirt, the sleeves always rolled up to his elbows. [/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| ABILITIES/SKILLS: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Due to unfortunate circumstances, Amir has found himself possessed by a piece of the otherworldly spirit of the Dark Lord Cthulhu. Fortunately Amir is able to remain in control of the being within him, allowing him to manipulate the abilities this possession has magically imbued him with. This mostly comes in the form of being able to generate tentacle-like appendages from his body. Dark purple in colour, Amir is able to control their movement and growth, using them as additional limbs or simply as weapons. What’s more is that with deep concentration, Amir is able to enforce a state of madness to anyone his tentacles are touching, causing them to hallucinate their deepest fears and worries. As said before, this can only be done through deep concentration, with the action also causing Amir to tire out after performing this ability. As such, the first time Amir used this, he found himself unconscious for the next couple of days. In time, Amir has the potential to cause these hallucinations without having to use his tentacles, with a simple glance at an individual being enough to cause them to turn to insanity. Although such an action would take a lot out of Amir, as well as risking his own mind being overridden by Cthulhu. [/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| BACKSTORY: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Born in Lebanon, Amir spent the first couple years of his life in the country before his family moved to America, a result of their increasing poverty since the Lebanese Civil War. Here they flourished, despite the racism that came their way, building a good life for themselves in the state of New Hampshire. High school went as well as it could for someone of Amir’s ethnicity, especially after the 9/11 attacks. Such bullying actually made Amir stronger, causing to stand up and fight for the little guy whenever he could. Amir pushed himself forward, coming to turns with his sexuality, as well as gaining good grades, to the delight of his parents. When it came to picking a college and looking towards the future, Amir set his eyes on Larissa. He had heard much about the city, having grown a small childhood obsession with the Mavericks several years prior, as well as having spent several weekends there with his friends and a fake ID. After getting a decent score in the SATs, he soon found himself enrolled within Grimm University of Nature and Sciences. He spent a lot of his nights out clubbing, his fake ID becoming a good friend of his, the Milk District his new home away from home. It was during this time that Amir found himself working part time as a bartender at a local bar; Lilith, not to be confused with the city’s neighbouring district of the same name. It was here that Amir met Oli. The two fell for each other fast and before long Oli had even moved into his dorm room. However despite his newfound happiness, Amir felt like something was wrong. Oli kept making excuses. Backing out of dates because “something came up”. The pure thought that he might have had another man caused a great amount of stress to Amir, who as a result became slightly distant too. Finally Amir had had enough. After another one of Oli’s unbelievable excuses and exits, Amir followed him. Too his confusion he found himself at an old abandoned church located within the Lower East Side. The sight inside confused him even more. Hooded figures, candles and ominous music, the place screamed danger. The fact that they were reading from an old tome, as well as the creepy looking banners they had up, led Amir to the conclusion that they were part of some kind of crazy cult. He watched from the window as Oli was seemingly brought up to the front of the group, where a cultist holding a knife was stood next to some kind of makeshift altar. Believing that they were meaning to sacrifice Oli, Amir burst into the room in an attempt at helping his boyfriend. Unfortunately he was too late to stop the sacrifice, with the cultist stabbing Oli through the heart. Amir had no idea what happened next, his mind filling with disastrous and painful images. He felt an immense pain all over his body. He came to his senses a few minutes later, screaming. He wasn’t the only one though. Around him, the cultists whimpered and whined in agony. Some were on the floor in tears, others tearing at their face with their hands. That wasn’t the strangest thing though. Amir found that it was somehow him that was doing this, with a series of dark purple tentacles having emerged from his body, wrapping themselves around them all. In time Amir would learn to discover what had happened to his body. The explanation came through his nightmares. Through the dark voices in his head. It was a demonic cosmic entity. The Dark Lord; Cthulhu. He spoke to Amir. Tried to manipulate the student. Part of him had bonded to Amir, possessing him to an extent. It had been that damned ritual. Luckily however the human side of Amir had taken control, blocking out Cthulhu’s control of his body. Knowing that Cthulhu was now fighting for control within him, Amir decided that he had to do something to stop him from succumbing to the darkness. He had to do something good. [/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| MOTIVATION/OBJECTIVE: |[/B][/color] [INDENT]Amir's primary motive is essentially to fight back against the piece of Chuthulu within him, not wishing to succumb to the darkness that the being typically brings to its hosts. As such, he strives to help people and to do the right thing, which incidentally is the exact thing that got him into this situation in the first place.[/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| SUPPORTING CAST: |[/B][/color] [INDENT] [color=thistle][u]Cthulhu:[/u][/color] The Dark Lord himself, part of his Royal Tentacleness resides within Amir, fighting to take control. He often speaks to Amir through his dreams or just as a voice in his head, trying to convince him to embrace his abilities and the madness that they would bring. [color=thistle][u]Brooke Felstead:[/u][/color] Amir’s roommate, the two are great friends, regularly going out clubbing together. While she is unaware of Cthulhu, she has noticed a darkness growing with Amir. [color=thistle][u]Isam and Bahira Housseini:[/u][/color] Amir’s parents. While not strictly the biggest fans of Amir’s lifestyle due to their religious background, love their son dearly. They regularly phone in order to catch up with him, although are fully unaware of what had happened to him. [/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| REFERENCE POST(S): |[/B][/color] [INDENT][url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3397079][color=thistle]The New Frontier: Introducing Ant-Man[/color][/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/2826139][color=thistle]All-Star Marvel: Iceman does something amazing[/color][/url] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/3495615][color=thistle]All-Star Marvel: Boomerang fights some people[/color][/url][/INDENT] [color=slateblue][B]| NOTES: |[/B][/color] [INDENT][hider=Kablamo] This is a Character Driven RP, and as such you are encouraged and expected to take charge of your character's sub-plots and storylines. This is a favourite rule of mine, and that said, there will be a heavy emphasis on collaborative activities and team building as well. The GMs will be leading the RP in the traditional sense with a driving plot and will ensure the RP keeps moving however we do want to see you develop your characters and produce your own plots. However we don't want to see you lock your character out of interaction and focus solely on your character and their 'world'. No one enjoys watching you play with yourself, it's always better to let someone else join in on the fun. [/hider][/INDENT]