[center][h1][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjYwLjkxMDI5ZC5TV3hzZVhOcFlTQkNiR0ZqYTJaNWNtVSwuMg,,/panama-road.regular.png[/img][/h1] Mentioned: Frey Grey (NPC) | Daniella Hawthorne (NPC) | Arton Velaryon (NPC) | Tiras Rivers | Daerys Targaryen Interacted with: [@Nightwing95] | [@smarty0114] | [@BlackPanther] [hr][hr][img]http://i.imgur.com/aNy7HbB.png[/img][hr][hr] [/center] [right] Illysia had stood, Freya brushing the ruffles out of the smooth fabric while Daniella cleaned up after them, though the Princess seemed relatively bored. There would be nothing for her to do until it was time for the Wards to meet the royal family. As the bastard daughter she actually had no place being part of the royal family, though after discovering she was here, Daerys had refused to allow her to live as a commoner. She was a Dragon, and she would live as one. She could still lay claims to the throne, assuming that her half siblings died or were unsuited to become King or Queen. Myriah would never be suited to hold a throne or lands of her own, not with the Targaryen Madness eating away at her mind, growing and progressing further, faster than expected every year. Aenar might, assuming he was not more interested in becoming a knight, though his wife may rule for him in the future. Poor little Shaena, the little brat always using her mothers skirts as a reason to be rude to everyone. She didn't know what 'No' meant, and sometimes, Illysia thought she would be better off as a Lannister. What she had not been expecting though, was for the Kingsguard to speak up, his voice nearly failing him as he floundered for something to say. Naturally, it ended up being a compliment; more beautiful than even the Maiden. She turned her violet gaze to him, full lips curving up in a smile very similar to that of the artistic depictions of the Maiden. [color=darkorichid]"I am sure she would be offended by that, assuming she watched over me as she does the Southern people."[/color] She gave an almost angelic laugh, amused to be compared to a Goddess that she did not believe in. All Gods were just faces used by that of the Faceless One after all, though the people raised here believe that they were all different. Over the course of the years she had been here though, she had learned that it was easier to humor the foolish people of the South, allowing them to believe in their poultry Gods without much of a statement from her. It was often too much work to convince them otherwise, and wasted time she could have used doing otherwise. The young Princess had been about to suggest leaving for the DragonPit when there was a soft knock on the door, one of her fathers servants calling for her to be in attendance. [color=darkorchid]"How exciting! We finally get to meet our guests Arton!"[/color] She clapped her hands together, smiling in true excitement, though one could never be sure if she was looking forward to meeting the Wards, or learning their secrets. Looking toward her two handmaidens, they nodded and bowed before leaving, though one of them would stay to watch Tatyanna while she was away. Illysia had already fed her daughter, and with the girl reaching four name days, she wouldn't need her mother as much anymore. With a hand on the door, she looked back at the man before pulling open the large oakwood painted black. The iron fastenings, reinforcements, were a polished white, stark against the black door. It represented her difference from the Targaryen family. She was a Blackfyre, not by birth, but by legacy. Having left the room, Illysia walked through the halls, making barely a sound on the stone flooring, though when she passed by one of the common corridors leading toward the dungeons, she called out in High Valyrian. Her dragons responded only to her voice, and she had trained them in a language that few people knew, though she had spent her time learning each different dialect of Valyrian. [color=darkorchid]"Exolan! Vrash!"[/color] Her voice echoed down the corridor, with no movement immediately she continued walking on her way, knowing that they would follow her scent when they were done eating whatever it was they had managed to find. They were only the size of large horses, so with the amount of space in the Red Keep, they had been able to stick around here instead of going to the Dragon Pit with the other three, larger dragons. It wasn't long until she reached the Throne Room, coming to find her father and half siblings already all there. The only one lacking in attendance was Myriah, who had most likely gone to meet the Wards early. Such a kind soul. [color=darkorchid]"Father! It's finally time I see. I've been waiting for the last of the Wards since I saw the Stark twins from the tower. With Toran already here the weeks flew by."[/color] She spoke openly, unafraid of the Queen Nymeria. Shaena hadn't enjoyed her company, though that was just because Nymeria often spoke ill of the bastard, claiming that she was no good for anything but fucking. She shouldn't be here, though, with so many bastards in the court, there was nothing Nymeria could do to argue for Illysia to leave. If the Blackfyre had to, then so would all the Wards who were also loved bastard children. And that, just simple, would not do for their peace would it? Illysia cast a look toward the Queen, giving her a rather kind-looking smile. Of course, it was fake and rubbing it in, though when she turned her momentary greetings to Aenar she gave a small gesture to the rafters where the two dragons were perched, waiting. The young Prince had often come to visit her in the Dungeons when she was with the young dragons, fascinated by the legendary creatures. Perhaps this boy would marry her daughter one day, and make her mother to a Queen. [hr] It was not long before the Wards arrived, each of the royal children watching them silently, though Illysia's gaze scanned the crowd finding both the strong and the weak. The Arryn child refused to bow for a time, finally kneeling, as even the bear had done it's best to shown some level of respect. Of course, the River's change of eye colour did not no unnoticed by her, indeed her interest peeked by such a thing. A Warg and a Skinchanger in attendance, with a Red Priest. An intriguing array of characters displayed themselves, though the Baratheon children and the Starks soon excused themselves without so much of a word to anyone else. How rude. Illysia could practically hear Shaena pouting at the lack of attention she had gotten from the Wards. She was the spoiled bratty Princess, everyone must love her; or so she was taught by her mother. Standing from her own throne, she took a step forward, lifting her skirts slightly to remove the hem from her feet as she stepped down from the dais. [color=darkorchid]"Tiras Rivers."[/color] Her voice called out, finding the final Ward in the room seeming lost. His bear remained with him, though as she neared it, Vrash dropped from the rafters, using her wings to slow her fall before landing on the stone floor not far from them, it's head dropping as it watched the bear. Her tail tip flicked, spikes brushing the ground in her amusement. Of course, with a glance at the creature, Illysia let it know that the bear was not a prey-animal. Predators should be given respect, since few predators were prey to another. Mostly just dragons in these times. [color=darkorchid]"You seem lost." [/color] [/right]