[b]"I... I... In... INCREDIIBLE!"[/b] A cheerful shout blurted out of Pierre's mouth as the battle began and events unfolded. [b]"THE AMAZING TACTICS OF GRAELiAN'S BRAND NEW KNIGHT-COMMANDER HAS GIVEN HER ARMY A HUGE LEAD IN POINTS! To achieve something like this in her very first battle, on her debut, is truly just amazing!"[/b] The commentator spoke praise, as he was almost frothing at the mouth with excitement. "My oh my~" The Queen of Vilante looked with mild surprise, then cupped her cheek in her palm and a playful smile crept onto her lips. "Such a talented young girl, I kind of wish she'd come and join my kingdom now." [b]"Hahaha, so even the Queen of the great Vilante Knights agrees that our fledgeling Commander is doing a good job?"[/b] "Oh yes, no doubt about that." [b]"Are you worried this'll have any effect on your army, Queen Parfait?"[/b] "Hmm... It's never fun lagging behind so early on." She put a finger on her chin as she contemplated an answer. "... But I believe we'll recover~ After all, no matter how good a plan or how sound a tactic is, there's no such thing as a fool-proof plan." A sly, if not outright mischievous, smirk lent itself to the beautiful queen's lips as she finished her reply. [b]"Oh-ho!? You hear that, everyone? Looks like VIlante's not giving up just yet! And they might even have a surprise up their sleeves, Graelian soldiers, stay on your toes!"[/b] As Pierre continued to comment and narrate on the battle, the spectators who had come out to watch the battle were now whipped into an almost frenzy-like state. Cheers and shouts could be heard as people clapped their hands, shouting the names of their family-members or idols who were partaking in the fight as well as chanting rhymes and songs to spur their respective army onwards. Even a small gathering of Graelian fanboys, dedicated to the Knight-Commander's squire, had gathered and unfurled their banners and flags, crying out their tiny goddess' name and cheering for her in a wild and zealous fashion. However, there were also a few people who looked somewhat disappointed. Many of them were confused why the Princess hadn't arrived at the battlefield yet - and where was this supposed surprise she had promised? War-games were fine and all, but if she was the one who had declared war and organized the whole thing, shoulkdn't she at least be present? Of course, this was a minority of the people gathered, and the vast, overwhelming majority were too entrhralled and wrapped up in the excitement of the war to even notice the Princess wasn't present.