Kat pulled her car into a parking space right in front of the the mansion she had been instructed to go to. It had been a fairly brief drive from Salem, her iPad had plugged into the car's audio system easily enough and she had been catching up on her latest series of audiobooks. The narrator's calm, soothing voice had helped to put her at her ease as she prepares to enter what could be the final part of some elaborate scam or the beginning of a whole new chapter in her life. However, given how much effort had been put into getting the job with its numerous interviews, examinations, and everything else, it was hard to not have at least some belief that it was real. She glanced at the clock and saw that she was about five minutes late to the scheduled meeting time. She turned off the engine and exited the vehicle, taking her laptop bag as she did. As today was the start of a new job and possibly even career, she had taken some time to put together an outfit together so as to appear professional. She wore a maroon blouse underneath a black business jacket and black slacks, plain one inch black heels, and a small amount of makeup to enhance the overall look of the outfit. She felt rather uncomfortable in the get up and wished she could have put on some of her more comfortable clothing, but first impressions were some of the most important ones. She entered into the mansion ground at a brisk pace and noticed the sign on the door about being out to lunch as well as the three men that also appeared to be waiting. It appeared as though she wasn't as late as she had assumed. All three of the men stood taller than her 5"7 and they appeared to be a rather strange mixture. The first man that caught her eye was a 40 something year old man wearing what she considered to be rather stylish clothing who was handsome in an older man sort of way, his hair starting to grey seemed only to add silver streaks to his hair and beard. The second man seemed to be of an age close to the first, face weathered and seemed to have suspicious eyes that patted her down as though searching for a weapon. Given his clothing, pistol, and overall demeanor, Kat placed him down in her mind as a former soldier of some sort. His gun did have the effect of making her rather nervous. The last man to be waiting for whatever may be coming seemed rather young comparatively, near her own age in fact, but very gaunt and frail looking. His beige overcoat made him seem like a detective of some sort. Feeling still somewhat nervous to be alone with three strange men, one armed, by a mansion that appeared to not have been occupied for sometime, it took Kat a moment to build up her courage to introduce herself. [color=8882be]"Hello everyone. My name is Kat Shepard, how do you do?"[/color] Her British accent helped conceal her nervousness through her carefully trained politeness. The ex soldier greeted her and shook her hand in a raspy voice. She shook his hand rather gently still concerned over the gun he openly displayed. She had difficulty with the American concepts about firearms in the first place. The older man greeted her in a much warmer voice, and she returned his greeting with a small smile. She could see now that he was also armed. She began to think that maybe she had missed a certain section of the job advertisement. The last man outright ignored her, which was fine with her at the moment. She was having some trouble not looking at his arm in any case. With introductions over, there was nothing else to do but wait. She pulled out her iPad and reviewed the blog articles she had collected on different aspects of the supernatural. After about an hour of waiting, a car pulled into the mansions lot. She looked up at the black sedan, and saw with a shock that the ex soldier had pulled out his gun. Her body froze beneath her as she feared the worst until Eddie interceded. She breathed out a sigh of relief as the driver opened the rear door and let out an older man who introduced himself as Orion Blackfield, there apparent boss. Looking over his rather unique outfit, Kat felt again longing for her usual clothes and some confusion. Orion handed her the dossier for their "test-run" and Kat glanced it over with one eyebrow raised. She glanced at the others. None of them seemed to have any questions, but she had plenty. [color=8882be]"Um yes hello Mr. Blackfield, Wilfred, I have some questions actually."[/color] She waited for his attention before continuing. [color=8882be]"If the ghost does have some unfinished business that seems rather easy to attend to. But what do we do if the ghost is after revenge? As you say it is already dead, and I cannot imagine every ghosts desire for revenge is justified. Is there some way to ward off these spirits? As for these other ghosts, will they disperse on their own after we attend to Mrs Smith's relatives?"[/color]