[@rocklee][@Jay Kalton] He had just reached an intriguing section on the relationship between two obscure goddesses embedded in the Bablyonian mythology when he heard footsteps from his right. Looking to the source, he found a tall, almost statuesque woman with ebony colored hair approaching the bench a few feet away from his. She seemed oblivious to his presence, situating herself on the bench and relaxing her posture. It was nice to know that others sought the comfort of the outdoors during the night. He smiled, then continued his perusal of Babylonian goddesses for a few more minutes until he was once again interrupted, this time by the nervous energy of someone named Sonny, who was rather desperate for directions. Akihiro closed his book before looking to Sonny, whose anxiety about being lost created a desire within the graduate assistant to do something to end the mans plight. "Sonny, I think I may be able to help. Where exactly do you need to get to?" He gave Sonny a pleasant enough smile as he tucked the book against his right side and rose, only to be caught off guard by how...familiar Sonny looked. He would explore that avenue of thought later; for now, he needed to play the role of helpful citizen. "I've got an app on my phone that can get you pointed in the right direction. Here, let me take it out..." With his free hand, he withdrew his cell phone to be greeted by a frozen lock screen. He grimaced as he repeatedly swiped at the image of he and his sister throwing rocks at a pigeon to no avail. "Oooof course." He shot an apologetic smile to Sonny, telling him: "And in the normal grand plan of our wonderful universe, my phone is acting like it doesn't know how to get past the lock screen. Sorry." He cast a glance at the woman on the bench. Maybe she could help? She didn't appear to give off the desire of being engaged in conversation, but a simple request wouldn't be that offensive...right? "Excuse me, miss...is there a way I could use your phone? Or maybe use it yourself so we can get this wayward soul home?" He chuckled slightly, looking to Sonny confidently. "We'll get you where you need to go."