[hider=Lydia Nguyen] [b]Name:[/b] Lydia Nguyen [b]Alias:[/b] Cyborg [b]Age:[/b] 25 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/PJQlHId.jpg[/img] [b]Ability:[/b] Technological assimilation - She is able to absorb technology and make it as if it were part of her own body. It of course requires physical contact and must be something small enough to be handled. So while she could probably interface with heavy macherey, she cannot outright assimilate anything larger than herself. The range of control that she has of things she assimilates depends mostly on its complexity and her understanding of how it works. Simple tools are more likely to respond on command than a complex technology will. While she is able to expel most technology that she has assimilated there are a few that are not as simple to remove. Such as the first pieces of technology adsorbed which were a glove created to manipulate and program complex electronics, a exo-arm typically used when lifting heavy objects, and the experimental Lorne V.I. she had been working on. Two are visible by the dark tips of the fingers on her left hand and the metal rail embedded in her right arm and back respectively. Having unwittingly added them to her body they have become functionally permanent. The other tech she is unable to remove are the nanites that have joined with the cells of her body, effectively making her techno-organic. [b]Skills:[/b] [list] [*]Advanced technological skills. [*]Still requires basic human needs but can go much longer without them. [*]The Lorne V.I. allows her to process information much more efficiently and connect with local network systems. [*]Her right arm is capable of lifting nearly 100lbs. [*]Thanks to the nanites physical injury is not as life threatening most of the time.[/list] [b]Flaws:[/b] [list] [*]Not the most socially capable. [*]The Lorne V.I. actually causes her to act like a machine on occasion. Even take orders from time to time. [*]Other than her right arm being augmented, she is average strength wise. [*]The V.I. being being integrated means that the is susceptible to hacking. [*]Far too trusting of her employer.[/list] [b]Background:[/b] Lynda is by trade an engineer and programmer. While not the top of her field she does boast an impressive list of accomplishments, including making her own simple V.I. as a collage project. While she did freelance work for a brief time it was her technical prowess that eventually landed her a job with the Lorne Corporation. Always seeking new talent the woman was green but showed promise. It also kept her out of competitor's hands which was all the more important in Mars' market. Luckily the bid paid off as Ms. Nguyen took to the job like a fish to water. Not always the most social it was not uncommon to find her buried in her work. Her dedication and attention to detail eventually awarded her the opportunity to work with the R&D team. Everyone was always doing R&D on some level but the actual team dedicated to it got the chance to build and try all the latest advancements. Of course it's not all it's cracked up to be. If anything it requires more to be sure you aren't just wasting company time. Plus a breakthrough doesn't happen every day. When the planet tremored a month ago it was actually rather frightening. Something happening on that scale was unheard of and in Lynda's mind, not something to take lightly. But after the initial shock and surprise things just seemed to go back to normal. She'd heard rumors that people were beginning to exhibit unusual abilities. The idea of such sounded absurd and just another story that someone on too much of something made up. Life went on as usual. And it was just another day at the office that Lynda's world was turned on it's head. They had been testing a new V.I. system but it had run into complications. Donning an exo-arm as per usual she disassembled the heavy mechanization and took the "brains" back to her workstation. She put a glove on the other hand that Lorne employees would use to make adjustments without having to expose the delicate electronics contained inside. Having made the adjustments she was running simulations when the stream ended abruptly. Glancing at the device in her hand it had sunk halfway into her palm. Backing away from the desk she tried to pull the V.I. back out but was too late. It was then that she noticed her right arm had locked up, the exo parts that braced her arm and back becoming part of her endoskeleton. It felt like the parts were crawling in her skin before falling numb. The whole process took less than a minute and it took her several more to actually notice that the glove had a similar fate. While there was no telling exactly what just occurred there, but there was also no denying that it had. The entire floor she'd been working on was monitored and the equipment would surely be listed as missing with her name on the list. Maybe Lynda was a little strange in the head but she, after calming down, immediately reported the incident to her employer. Even without evidence she wasn't inclined to lie. She had just fused with technology and could control it. At least the arm and programming glove worked. Plus where else would she go to study and diagnose her condition. All the equipment she would need to even start was here. Needless to say Lorne Corp was intently curious about what had happened. Escorted away from all other staff she was put into confinement like many others had been. However in this case Lorne was keeping her hidden not only from the public, but also from the USF. They were not about to let an asset like this slip through their fingers. Much to their surprise and ultimate relief the woman cooperated with very little resistance. She actually was doing most of the work for them and reported her finding voluntarily. Given different technologies to try and repeat the circumstances did not seem to be working. Sizing down several times the only other success was the introduction of nanomachines. On contact Lynda's ability took the small machines and integrated them with her cells. Over a couple of days the new nano-cells replicated across the rest of her body. It was noted that a couple times it appeared that the V.I. had become active and had just as much control of Lynda as she had of herself. She was the closest example of the fusion of man and machine. The implications were enormous and it began to dawn on Lynda that the "freedoms" she had now were likely to come to an end eventually. [/hider]