[@Onarax] Other than what I've told you, there are a few others things. 1) Third Eye is great. I'll put that onto the list for you. 2) Tell me what application you see for Negative Space and I'll decide from there whether or not to include it. It seems like it could lead to some metagaming which is why I want to see how you would apply it should your character get it. (or other future characters for that matter.) 3) Tell me more about this Demonic Form. Could we call it Feral Form instead? Demonic tends to imply that there is a possession when that really isn't the case. How long can they stay in the form? How long does it take to go between forms? How long of a cool down does the power have? Like say... Could he transform into about 1 minutes time and then have to wait 5-10 minutes before being able to shift back, which would also take about 1 minute?