[center][b]A COLLAB BETWEEN WADE WILSON AND [@PROPRO][/b] [img]http://i.imgur.com/NKovN8B.png?1[/img] [img]https://45.media.tumblr.com/2a3b1fde0ee14abe7af85b45b50e9c22/tumblr_n3xyxyuTL51sxvooxo1_500.gif[/img] [u][b]Location:[/b][/u] Dumas Mines [u][b]Interacting With:[/b][/u] The Twins, Strange Voice In His Head [@ProPro][hr][hr][/center]Jackson looked around, confused. What was this voice talking to him? He eyed the Githkins currently working to fix the gas leak, but it was impossible to tell with those mouthless faces. Shaking his head, he tried to reassure himself that it was all fine - he was working for Galatec, life was great! With a newly recovered perkiness, he hopped off the drill, walking over to the twins again. [b][color=#ff0000]“[/color][color=#cc0029]H[/color][color=#990052]e[/color][color=#66007b]y[/color][color=#3300a4],[/color] [color=#001aa4]n[/color][color=#00337b]e[/color][color=#004d52]e[/color][color=#006629]d[/color] [color=#339700]a[/color][color=#66ae00]n[/color][color=#99c400]y[/color] [color=#fff200]h[/color][color=#e8c21c]e[/color][color=#d19138]l[/color][color=#b96153]p[/color][color=#a2306f]?[/color][color=#8b008b]”[/color][/b] The twins glanced over to Jackson as he spoke, though Shawnee lingered just a bit longer while Sarah immediately returned to her work. [b]“I appreciate it, but I think we've got this handled,”[/b] Shawnee said in a hoarse voice. The two had been communicating to one another all day and had to shout over the engines of Jackson’s driller. It was only natural they'd be a little hoarse. [i][color=brown]Jackson… Hear me…[/color][/i] There was that voice again. Jackson did feel a pang of guilt that he was the one that had made the girls go hoarse - or, at least, the machinery he was handing - but smiled at them nonetheless. [b][color=#ff0000]“[/color][color=#cc0029]A[/color][color=#990052]l[/color][color=#66007b]r[/color][color=#3300a4]i[/color][color=#0000cd]g[/color][color=#001aa4]h[/color][color=#00337b]t[/color][color=#004d52].[/color] [color=#008000]H[/color][color=#409d00]a[/color][color=#80b900]v[/color][color=#bfd600]e[/color] [color=#e8c21c]f[/color][color=#d19138]u[/color][color=#b96153]n[/color][color=#a2306f]![/color][color=#8b008b]”[/color][/b] His eye twitched and his voice quivered slightly as his strain to ignore the voice continued, but managed to walk back to the drill without going insane. [color=#ff0000]‘[/color][i][color=#db001d]G[/color][color=#b6003b]o[/color] [color=#6d0075]a[/color][color=#490092]w[/color][color=#2400b0]a[/color][color=#0000cd]y[/color][color=#0015ab],[/color] [color=#004067]y[/color][color=#005544]o[/color][color=#006b22]u[/color][color=#008000]’[/color][color=#249000]r[/color][color=#49a100]e[/color] [color=#92c100]n[/color][color=#b6d100]o[/color][color=#dbe200]t[/color] [color=#ecca17]r[/color][color=#d8a12e]e[/color][color=#c57946]a[/color][color=#b2515d]l[/color][color=#9e2874]![/color][/i][color=#8b008b]’[/color] he thought, frustrated. He leaned against the machinery he’d been appointed to, grabbing his water bottle and taking a large gulp of it, clutching at the plastic with shaking hands. The cleanup crew finished just as soon as Jackson had taken a big swig of his water. The head of the crew, a large and imposing black man, turned to face Jackson and spoke in a deep baritone. [b]“We’re all finished here, son. Glad you didn't blow yourself to kingdom come. This was a close one. One big gas pocket, I tell you what. We’ll put this to good use heating houses.”[/b] The man pat his suction machine as he spoke, some large device that resembled a cross between a vacuum cleaner and a hadron collider. That's when the supervising Githkin spoke up. [b]”Work!”[/b] [b]“Oh, no dallying. Later kid.”[/b] And thus the cleanup crew took off. The boy had been quite intrigued as the man spoke, and bid him farewell once the Githkin were nice enough to remind them of what they were doing. He climbed back onto the drill, getting back to work and thinking happy thoughts, hoping he’d keep that voice at bay. No, he couldn’t even think about it. He was working with Galatec and got to use the drill! Yes, it was great. No voices, no badness, just a great day. His mind quickly thought back to how hoarse Shawnee’s voice was, and his brow furrowed, but he knew that he had to keep working. After all, who could not like working for such great people like Galatec?