[hider=Gareth] [hider=Image][img]http://img2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20140325065552/of-men-and-titans/images/d/da/Tumblr_ll1lggQS8g1qf8r8uo1_500.jpg[/img][/hider] [b]Name:[/b] Gareth M. Tevis [b]Age:[/b] 18 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Personality:[/b] Gareth is hopeless. He's smart, but hopelessly apathetic. He's clumsy beyond measure always manages to be in the wrong at the wrong time. He's found himself always bored with reality and escaping into literature. That being said, he's always found people and characters interesting. He's written, "When you read a story, you read for the characters. Life is the same way, the people are far more interesting than any phenomenon." So, he's recently made attempts to get to know people, and failed. Something about acute laziness makes it hard to maintain friends. Despite this, he's vowed to be more outgoining when he arrives at Uni. [b]Background:[/b] Gareth was born to a lower middle-class family in Iowa. His town was slowly dying, cruelly kept alive by a large job-providing factory. With a personality that didn't lend itself to making friends easily and workaholic parents, Gareth spent most of his childhood lost in fictitious worlds. Gareth saw the heroes in his books and movies and envied them. They would always be remebered. For reasons a quick google search couldn't explain, Gareth developed a crippling fear of being forgotten. So he began to write. Writing was the only way Gareth figured he could make his mark on the world. He never really got anywhere with writing, and before he knew it, Senior year was upon him. He chose Straider for the explicit reason that it was the farthest away from Clinton, Iowa. He now plans to make as many friends as possible. [b]Chosen Pill Color:[/b] Teal, unless that isn't a color [b]Other:[/b] Caffenie addiction, the staple of all my characters. [b]Powers I wouldn't mind[/b]: [i]Suggestion[/i]: "'Mind control' is such a barbaric term. I'm not forcing them to do anything, I'm just very convincing." The ability to suggest an action to a person or animal, the being wil then feel an unatural compulsion to perfom said action. You ever seen Jessica Jones? Basically Kilgrave's ability. [i]Conjuring[/i]: "With my mind I can create fucking swords! Or chairs. Or shirts or walls or...anything really. But swords are the coolest." The ability to conjure any non-organic material or item for a limited amount of time or with minimal durability. Hypothetically speaking, he could pour a large amount of energy into the conjuration of a single item to make it last significantly longer. [i]Location Swapping[/i]: "It's a matter of simplicity. If I want to be there, and you want be here, then great? If I want to be there but you also want to be there? Too bad." The ability to switch locations with any person or object that is either within the users line of sight or that the user knows the exact location of. [/hider]