I actually have something else we'll need to figure out before starting up IC. Who is living with who? Rohrbach made arrangements that all participants be moved to the apartment complex just outside his lab for easy access to the students should anything go wrong (he lives at the lab). So... It's co-ed and but males can't room with females, but they can be on the same hallway. [hider=Apartment Complex] [center][img]http://harborsidevillage.com/blog/wp-content/uploads/2014/01/Apartment-garages-in-Joppa-MD.png[/img][/center] The center door there leads to an entry way with a staircase that leads to upper floors. The 'dorm' mom/RA (Resident Assistant) (as this is still considered a dorm) lives on the first floor next to the Lobby/Lounge area (with a TV and game systems) and the Laundry room. There are 3 rooms on either side and they can each fit two people to a room. [/hider] Actually, I'll draw out a map here in a bit. For now, work on getting paired up for rooms. Otherwise, I'll randomize those too. :P