[quote=@guineamania] [hider=Spark] Full name: Annabelle Rhose (Anna) Alias/Codename: Spark Age: 15 Country of origin: UK (London) Basic appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/a0/85/5a/a0855a2ad60200af422c2441ad3942ea.jpg[/img] 5ft 4, slim figure, not much muscle, light skin tone, hazel eyes Costume: She doesn't have a real costume yet, being a new recruit at the academy but before she was enrolled, she tended to wear skinny black jeans, a t-shirt with some tacky pun on, black lace up boots with a slight heel and a dark brown leather jacket Skills: Languages: She was taught both English and Russian simultaneously as a child as her mother is Russian and this lead to an ease in picking up other languages. She is fluent in English, Russian, French and German with a working knowledge of Spanish and Norwegian. Stealth: She is quite short and slim so can often slip into places unnoticed and is young and innocent looking so no one ever suspects her to be the culprit Diplomacy: Her father used to be Russian diplomat so she knows a lot about diplomacy, international relationships and dealing with people in authority to get what you want Powers: Anna can absorb energy and convert it to electrical energy which can then be radiated from her body. She cannot store the energy for more than a couple of minutes depending on the amount she absorbs. It can be taken from anything she is touching and can be any type of energy but heat and light are the easiest for her to process. The lack of these other energies in the environment and cause a cooling in temperature, darking of rooms and if she tries really hard sometimes objects can float due to the lack of gravitational energy. Taking in and converting the energy takes a large toll on her body and if she has to do it for extended periods of time or large quantities it can cause her to loose control of the energy (a large explosion) and/or pass out for varying lengths of time. It is unknown what toll using this power has on the internal workings of the body. Brief bio: She was born in London as the child of the Russian Ambassador and an English Fashion Designer. She was raised with high ranking government officals learning all different languages and how governments work. At the age of five, her father was relocated to New York to be the Russian ambassador in America so he moved his whoe family over the pond and Anna took to the high flying New York lifestyle like a duck to water. She had everything she could ever want and was honestly spoilt rotten by her father. When she was ten, Anna was in a car accident with her mother and her security, they crashed into an electricity pylon. Her mother died in the crash and Anna was in a coma for two months. When she woke up from the coma, she found herself uncontrollably drawing in heat energy from her surroundings and expelling it in what was like an electicity cloud around her body. Scared of a scandal that might loose him his job, Anna was placed in mental hospital for doctors to try and find a method for controlling this power. They found an experimental drug that managed to stop the cloud forming and her draining the warmth from the room but it dulled her senses and her mind. She was on this drug in the mental hospital for three year until she managed to work out what it was doing to her. By slowly lowering her own intake of the drug, Anna managed to get a hold on her powers enough so she could stop taking in the heat energy to pretend she was still on the 'blockers'. The day before her 14th birthday, Anna managed to take the staff by suprise and break out of the mental facility. She hitchhiked back to New York planning to confront her father about the treatment but she found that he had been moved back to Moscow with his new wife. With no home to go to and at the risk of capture, Anna lived on the streets pickpocketing to make her way in the world, about a year later she pickpocketed the wrong person, Captain Steve Rogers. When it was revealed who it was, she lost the control of her powers and let out an electrical burst, terrifying the public and stunning Steve. She ran but of course he caught her and offered her a place as a first year at his Avengers Academy (as her education had been lacking when she couldn't think past the fog in her brain). Anna accepted and is moving into the Academy. (For official use only) Initial observation report: Strong powers but a lack of control. Emotions dictate her powers but this can be remedied. Potential to be able to use the energy other than offensive purposes. Need to know the long term effects on the body before proceeding Training regimen/expertise: Meditation/Emotional Control Mediation Hostage Negotiation More Language Lessons Hand to Hand Combat Fitness Potential outlook: Mid to High Potential (Key Skills) Best case scenario: Avengers Team Member with strong controlled energy bursts Worst case scenario: Avengers Governmental Representative if control,is achieved. If not, detainment, (research into artificial management) [/hider] Side Note: Just after righting the majority of this noticed that Nightingale is also an Energy Manipulator but I personally believe that they are significantly different. But it is up to you if you think they are too similar [/quote] I do have a question: did you read the other characters' that have been accepted bios?