[center] [color=DarkSlateGray][h1][i]Aya Kagamine[/i][/h1][/color][hr][hr][b]• An Awkward Encounter •[/b][hr][hr][/center] After spending a couple of minutes contemplating her twenty-four years on earth and groaning at her current existential crisis, Aya opened her eyes to the still clouded sky and opened her ears to someone's voice. Darn, and she was just recalling the one time she almost beat some guy to a pulp after having a volleyball purposely thrown at her face… How fun those school days had been. [b]"Excuse me, ma'am I seem to be lost. If you could be so kind to give me directions?"[/b] Her head swung forward with so much force she could hear a small crack as she tried to face the stranger. Aya knew the streets wouldn't be too crowded at ten in the evening, (so she decided to let herself 'relax' for a bit) but being seen in her current relaxed state wasn't a state she wanted to be seen in. She'd probably looked like some sort of maniac in the position she had been in, just gawking at the grey sky as if there was literally something to be seen. If she were to make an excuse now, it would be the caffeine. Ah, wait. This… boy was asking for directions, wasn't he? But directions to where? Had this boy/man not considered asking where he actually wanted to go? Even though she had moved to this area seven months ago, Aya's knowledge of the city layout and her sense of direction in general was terrible. Getting lost was bother, a problem and a pain, so the woman decided to remain in a familiar place and a familiar environment. But still, Aya thought this person was a bit of an idiot. [b][color=DarkSlateGray]"If you… want 'directions', I think there is a train station near here. I do not know where you are going, but I think if you go there you will be able to find your way… to your location."[/color][/b] Standing up, she looked at the stranger; or rather, looked [i]down[/i] at the stranger. A black mushroom for a head and a frail body that made Aya herself look like a gorilla… Was this some high school kid who was out way past his bedtime or some man years older than her with a face of an innocent looking child? Either way, this conversation and her ongoing thoughts on this little man were dragging on far longer than they should have. Aya should have probably stopped staring at him, too. Then came the introduction of his name. His [i]name[/i]. That defied Aya's social logic on so many levels it sent her mind into a spiral of endless 'whys'. You don't just… go up to someone and say what your name was, did you? You ask for directions and you go. And if you're an introverted [s]cinnamon roll[/s] type of person, then you quietly ask for directions, maybe repeat what you said again since you were too quiet, utter a small thank you and go. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"Are you an idiot?"[/b][/color] Shit. She'd said that out loud. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"Ah, sorry, I mean…"[/b][/color] she shouted, waving her hands in front of her to clear out any misunderstandings. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"I… I will show you to the train station. It is… getting quite dark, so I will walk you there. If that is all right with you."[/b][/color] Then, right behind the supposed high schooler appeared another man, red haired and just as much of a giant as she was. Just what was it and these random encounters with these peculiar people today? Thankfully, this man's personality wasn't as fiery as his hair (or Aya's own personality), and he seemed to be willing to help; which was very helpful, seeing as Aya didn't even know her way to the train station herself from here. [color=DarkSlateGray][b][i]Think before you speak, Aya. This is happening way too often, now. You don't want to get arrested for picking up lost little boys on the street. At night as well.[/i][/b][/color] The man then suggested the idea of using some sort of app to find their way. Aya wanted to smile at the idea, but at the same time wanting to tear at her red beret for not thinking of such a simple solution to this problem. She ended up facing the reddish haired man with an odd, crooked smile that made her want to roll away into the darkness of the park. The revelation of Sonny actually being a university student and remembering that she had thought he was a high schooler had also made her want to roll away into the darkness of the park. In an attempt to hide her astonished snort, she turned to the side and faked a coughing fit. Ah, the lengths she went through to hide her embarrassment. [b]"Excuse me, miss...is there a way I could use your phone? Or maybe use it yourself so we can get this wayward soul home?"[/b] the wordy man said, chucking a bit. He did seem like a person she could trust… but then again, this was the real world. No one could really be trusted. [color=DarkSlateGray][i][b]Dammit, Aya. Your philosophical thoughts can wait until you get home.[/b][/i][/color] She just hoped her phone wasn't as dead as his. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"Er… Please, wait for a second,"[/b][/color]she murmured. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"Hopefully, I can find an app on my phone that will not get us lost."[/b][/color] Opening it, she searched 'Shimmer Luxury Apartments' and waited for the app to work its magic. That apartment complex wasn't too far from her place, which was news to her. Suddenly remembering the fact that she was locked out of her own apartment made her click her tongue in annoyance. Now supremely ticked off, she quickly made her way down the street where the app said to go. [color=DarkSlateGray][b]"It is this way,"[/b][/color] she said to the man and the youthful little fellow. When she was a few metres away, she turned around once more to see if they had decided to follow this beret wearing giraffe. With her phone in one hand, Aya began to rummage around her bag again. [@rocklee] [@freedomliveson]