Orion stares at you for a moment as if searching for your name in his memory. After a moment he seems to remember it and addresses you. [color=#318031]“Ms. Shepard I’ll presume? You’re correct, not all ghosts have justifiable desires. Hell, most don’t. Warding is possible, but it’ll just push them off the farm to somewhere else, probably to an abandoned hospital or something equally creepy. Probably piss them off to, and I’d really rather not deal with a poltergeist.”[/color] Orion pauses and stares off into space for a moment before continuing. [color=#318031]“If you really want to, you [i]could[/i] destroy the remains. That usually gets rid of ghosts....”[/color] Orion begins mumbling lightly [color=#318031]“Lizzie will be pissed if she finds out though…”[/color] Orion’s mumblings are cut off suddenly by the screeching of metal against metal coming from behind the large mansion. The screeching goes on for several minutes before suddenly stopping. While you wait for it to end, you realize that Orion’s silent companion Wilfred has disappeared. [color=#318031]“Looks like Wilfred brought the chopper up. Let’s head back there.”[/color] Orion walks off, making his way around the house, just assuming you’ll follow. On the other side of the house you find something quite unexpected. Whereas before there was only unkempt lawn and broken statuary, now a large helipad with a large black helicopter has appeared. The helicopter has only ‘BSC-GRIFN-3’ written on the side with no other noticeable markings. The helicopter’s doors are open on each side and you can see two large stuffed duffel bags sitting on the floor. You can see a shovel sticking out of one of them, but nothing else is really discernible. Orion holds his arms out indicating the helicopter [color=#318031]“This is the GRIFN-3. Custom made for our needs. Able to lift an elephant and faster than a real griffin. We had two others but a hydra took them out so this baby is all we’ve got left. Since I only saw one car out front, and my car’s too small we’ll have to take the GRIFN today.”[/color] The old man chews on his lip for a moment before giving you a wry smile and continuing, [color=#318031]“Oh yeah, did I mention I’m coming along? Gotta make sure you all can handle yourselves. Any who, it looks like Wilfred’s got us all packed up. Hop on in and we’ll head on over to the Smith’s farm.”[/color] [hider=GRIFN-3] This is kinda sorta what the GRIFN-3 looks like. [img]http://wala.images.worldnow.com/images/7017409_G.jpg[/img] [/hider]